ヤフーは何を考えているのか? アソシエーテッド・コンテントを買収するということは、缶詰いっぱいのイモムシを放つことになる

ヤフーはアソシエーテッド・コンテントの買収により、AOLやディマンド・メディアと同じ道をたどることになりそうだ。この商談の詳細は開示されていないが、アドエージの報道によれば、この商談の契約額は1億ドルにものぼるという。9000万ドルだという指摘もある。わたしたちの情報源によれば、その額は1億ドルで、アーン・アウト込みだという。追記: べつの情報源が「9000億ドル弱」と明言した。わたしたちとしてはこの数字で話を進める。

Yahoo will look a little more like AOL and Demand Media with its acquisition today of Associated Content. Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but AdAge is reporting that the deal was north of $100 million. Others say it was $90 million. One of our sources puts the deal at the $100 million price, if you include the earnout. Update: Another source confirms it was “closer to $90 million.” We are going with that number.
Associated Content has been on the block for at least two years. Last summer it was trying to fetch $150 million, but found no takers. Even AOL passed and decided to launch its own competing SEED platform instead, and AOL CEO Time Armstrong is an investor in Associated Content. Another interesting connection is Huffington Post CEO Eric Hippeau, who is a Yahoo board member and was connected to Associated Content from his days at Softbank Capital, which is another investor but is now winding down its portfolio.
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