

Facebook’s IPO Waiting Game Gets a Little Longer–”Probably” Not Going Public in 2011 | Peter Kafka | MediaMemo | AllThingsD (July 30, 2010 at 6:46 AM PT Peter Kafka) Perennial question for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg: When are you going p…

ベゾス、アイパッドを語る: 「ヴィデオの小欄を追加したところで、ヘミングウェイが改良されるわけではない」

Bezos On iPad: “You are not going to improve Hemingway by adding video snippets.” (July 28, 2010 MG Siegler) アマゾンのキンドルはわたしにとってつねに興味深いデヴァイスだった。2007年後半にはじめてキンドルについて聞いたとき、わたしは自分では…


Google Develops a Facebook Rival - WSJ.com (JULY 28, 2010 Amir Efrati) ...今週行なわれたインタヴューで、グーグル首席経営執行役員エリック・シュミットはソーシャル・ゲームを採用するソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サーヴィスの開発を行なっている…

質問: ウェブはQ&Aサーヴィスを幾つ必要としているのか?

Question: How Many Q&A Services Does the Web Need? | Peter Kafka | MediaMemo | AllThingsD (July 27, 2010 at 4:00 AM PT Peter Kafka) You can see why an ambitious engineer or venture capitalist would be interested in a Q&A service: They’re v…

フェースブック・アップ経済: リヴァイヴァルのときか?

The Facebook App Economy: Revival Time? - John Battelle's Searchblog (July 19, 2010 John Battelle) (This is a translated version of "John Battelle's Searchblog" post. Thanks to John Battelle.) 覚えている人はいるだろうか? 2007年はフェースブ…

この「Go Google」ってどういう意味だい?

What Means This, To "Go Google"!? - John Battelle's Searchblog (July 21, 2010 John Battelle) (This is a translated version of "John Battelle's Searchblog" post. Thanks to John Battelle.) 僕は検索のことかと思ったよ! 見たところ、この文脈では…


Salesforce.com CEO Marc Benioff Uses His Twitter and Facebook Page to Test Ads - ReadWriteCloud (July 19, 2010 6:39 PM Alex Williams) セールスフォース・コムCEOマーク・ベニオフはツイッターとフェースブックを使って、新しい広告についてのフィー…



The Facebook App Economy: Revival Time?

The Facebook App Economy: Revival Time? - John Battelle's Searchblog (July 19, 2010 John Battelle) From what I can tell, Facebook's privacy tempest has delayed the formation of what I expected to be another goldrush. And no, I'm not talkin…


Twitter Continues To Help You Figure Out Who Exactly Is Following You (Jul 15, 2010 Leena Rao) 新しいフォロワーがついたときツイッターから送られてくる通知メールに、要望の多かった改良がなされた。新しいイーメールがユーザに送られるようになった…




10 Basic And Obvious Features Twitter Still Doesn't Have (Jul. 13, 2010, 4:10 PM Dan Frommer) ツイッターがこの数年で、ほんの小さなニッチ・ツールから巨大サーヴィスにまで発展(それもスムーズに)してきたことには、敬意を表したい。 ツイッターなど…


Tech Firms Tout New Online-Ad Formats - WSJ.com (JULY 12, 2010 Jessica E. Vascellaro) Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt championed "interactive video ads," which he said are on the way. Such ads, which could appear anywhere on a Web page…


Preoccupations - An Entrepreneur Who Took a Chance on Herself - NYTimes.com (July 9, 2010 Prerna Gupta) 6年前、スタンフォードを経済学の学位を得て卒業したわたしは、多くの人が申し分のない職と認めるであろう仕事を得た。わたしはとある高名な会社…

Is Yahoo Dead? I Don't Think So. Who Else With This Scale Can Be Neutral?

Is Yahoo Dead? I Don't Think So. Who Else With This Scale Can Be Neutral? - John Battelle's Searchblog (July 7, 2010 John Battelle) Why? Well, I can't speak to whether or not the company has the right lineup of talent, either management or…


Twitter’s Slow-Motion Business Plan | Peter Kafka | MediaMemo | AllThingsD (July 6, 2010 at 3:00 AM PT Peter Kafka) And Promoted Tweets looks like the only one with potential to scale into something really big on its own–big enough to just…

The Myth That Without Gov't Monopolies Or Subsidies, Discoveries Will Be Hidden By Secrets

The Myth That Without Gov't Monopolies Or Subsidies, Discoveries Will Be Hidden By Secrets | Techdirt (Jul 2nd 2010 Mike Masnick) What's interesting here is that this story of the Royal Society and the benefits of membership actually fit -…


Google Making Big M&A Splash In Venture Capital Pool - Venture Capital Dispatch - WSJ (July 1, 2010, 5:27 PM ET Scott Austin) Asked about the company’s acquisition pace on a conference call Thursday discussing the ITA deal, Google’s Schmid…


A VC: Some Thoughts On Foursquare (Jun 30, 2010 Fred Wilson) I am a big believer in making quick decisions on most things. But on some things a bit of deliberation is important. In this case, the founders walked away from what Ben Horowitz…


A VC: Six Slides (Jun 23, 2010 Fred Wilson) (This is a translated version of "A VC" blog post. Thanks to Fred Wilson.) わたしたちのポートフォリオ会社のCEOが資金調達のための発表の準備をしていて、わたしに意見を求めてきた。わたしが彼に言った…

グーグルはフェースブックに対抗する? いや、すでにしていますよ

Will Google Compete With Facebook? Er...It Already Is, Folks. - John Battelle's Searchblog (June 29, 2010 John Battelle) Last weekend the news was conjecture about Facebook doing web search, today, the news is conjecture about Google doing…