質問: ウェブはQ&Aサーヴィスを幾つ必要としているのか?

You can see why an ambitious engineer or venture capitalist would be interested in a Q&A service: They’re very hot right now!

Old fogies like Yahoo (YHOO) and Answers.com have been at this for a while. But in the past 12 months or so, everyone wants in.

Google (GOOG) bought Aardvark earlier this year, and Facebook is working on its own flavor of so-called “social search” (which means that a human being asks a question, and other human beings answer them). Startup-of-the-moment Quora was supposedly valued at $86 million before it ever opened its doors. Etc.

OK. But why is Ask.com adding a questions feature to its offering?

Easy: Because it’s tried everything else, and there’s no reason not to. IAC’s (IACI) search unit has had less than 5 percent of the domestic market for a very long time, even though it has gone through multiple CEOs, tech overhauls and branding campaigns.
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