グーグルはフェースブックに対抗する? いや、すでにしていますよ

Last weekend the news was conjecture about Facebook doing web search, today, the news is conjecture about Google doing social networks. All of this has been sparked by two well known Valley guys opining on samesaid...Kevin Rose, CEO of Digg, tweeted that Google was working on a "Google Me" social network (he since was "asked to take down his tweet" by someone...) and then a former Facebook employee answered a related question on his own Q&A service, Quora.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, folks. I certainly don't find it the least bit surprising that Google is continuing its push into social - let's not forget, the company recently launched Buzz, which qualifies as a major social network, already owns Orkut, which also qualifies, and has added social features to its core search service - including Google Profiles and social search functionalities.

Pulling these together into a seamless, useful, and coordinated product just makes sense.
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