
Calls Grow Louder for Prop. 8-Supporting Mozilla CEO to Resign | Re/code

When Mozilla CTO Brendan Eich was appointed CEO last week, the response to his promotion started quietly, with three members of the board resigning without comment.

How much Eich’s $1,000 donation to support California’s 2011 Proposition 8 to ban gay marriage inspired the exodus is unclear. But as the discussion around the nonprofit’s leadership choice picked up steam yesterday, popular online dating company OkCupid took an unprecedented stand with a letter from its CEO that blocked users of Firefox, the Mozilla-produced browser ― and turned the issue into a lightning rod for the tech community.

“Those who seek to deny love and instead enforce misery, shame, and frustration are our enemies,” the company’s statement read. “[W]e wish them nothing but failure.”

Things appear to be getting worse than better for Eich, who has thus far refused to explicitly apologize. In an interview with CNET on Tuesday, Eich also said that the board members left for various other reasons. In the case of at least one, a source said that was the case.

All this has left some people affiliated with Mozilla feeling betrayed, caught between their support of gay rights and their excitement about the mission-driven nonprofit that produces the Firefox browser and pushes for a more open, free and collaborative Internet.

Most gay-rights leaders within the tech community are expressing outrage and Eich’s efforts to contain the damage don’t seem to be helping stave off the calls for him to step down.

On Monday, for example, Eich asked Hampton Catlin, a prominent developer who was until Eich’s appointment working on an app for the Firefox phone, to join him for an hour-long one-on-one coffee at Waterbar on San Francisco’s Embarcadero to try to soothe tensions. Catlin, CTO of Moovweb and CEO of Rarebit, who is gay, left the ”personal” and “productive” meeting unfazed – he was still calling for Eich’s resignation.

“We’re looking for an apology,” Catlin said. “And he didn’t apologize.”

Eich, the creator of popular programming language JavaScript, whose donations were known about in 2012 when he was the CTO, might be having a hard time putting a positive spin on things, given that Mozilla’s VP of communications, Leslie Nakajima, resigned today, telling the Holmes Report, a PR industry publication, that her departure was “coincidental timing.”

(From the "Re/code" blog post. Thanks to Nellie Bowles.)