
Publishers, Marketers, and the Gap Scenario

Publishers, Marketers, and the Gap Scenario - John Battelle's Searchblog (August 6, 2010 John Battelle) As I laid out in my original post (and my 2005 book), location aware services are not yet a cultural habit, in particular ambient ones.…

What Is A "Venture Partner" And Why Does It Matter To You?

A VC: What Is A "Venture Partner" And Why Does It Matter To You? (Aug 7, 2010 Fred Wilson) Some common examples of Venture Partners are; former partners who are semi-retired but still want to be able to do deals, former entrepreneurs who h…

「ネット中立性」について悩むのはヤメだ -- 当然ISPはプレミアム・トラフィックに割高課金していいはずだ

Stop Moaning About "NET NEUTRALITY" -- Of Course ISPs Should Be Able To Charge Higher Rates For Premium Traffic (Aug. 5, 2010, 10:44 AM Henry Blodget) シリコン・ヴァレイの人たちは業界ロビイ活動は我田引水というよりもモラルの伝動であるととら…