「ネット中立性」について悩むのはヤメだ -- 当然ISPはプレミアム・トラフィックに割高課金していいはずだ

ISPはファイバー・ネットワークを築くために数十億ドルもつぎ込んでいる。だったらなぜ、市場が求めるかぎりにおいて特別なネットワークでビットを伝達することに課金してはいけないのだろうか? 自分のところのビットは高速かつ安全に伝達してほしい、と望むのであればその人たちが多く支払えばいいだろう。もしそう望まないなら、多く支払わなければいい。それだけのかんたん(かつ公平)なことだ。(つづきを読む)

The latest of these causes, "net neutrality," calls for Internet Service Providers to be legally forced to treat every bit sent over the Internet the same as every other bit--i.e., be prevented from offering "premium" tiers in which some folks can pay to have their bits delivered faster than other bits.

The Silicon Valley champion, Google, has long stumped for this concept. And Google is now being savaged for apparently betraying that stance and becoming "evil" by discussing a premium-tier deal with Verizon.

Now, it's easy to see why poor startups and massive bandwidth consumers might prefer that ISPs be forced to treat every bit the same. But from a moral and economic fairness perspective, this stance is ridiculous.

ISPs spend billions of dollars building fiber networks. Why on earth shouldn't they be able to charge what the market will bear to deliver bits over those networks? If people want their bits delivered quickly and securely, they can pay more. If they don't, they can pay less. It's as simple (and fair) as that.

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(From the "Silicon Alley Insider" blog post. Thanks to Henry Blodget.)