CNETのTom Krazit記者が良記事
- Reports: Apple, Fox planning movie rental service | One More Thing - CNET News.com (December 27, 2007 10:02 AM PST by Tom Krazit)
Both the Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal are reporting that Twentieth Century Fox Film has signed a deal with Apple to let iTunes users download new movies and keep them for an unspecified (but likely short) period of time.
The movie studios want the same thing the record labels want--variable pricing, and more control over it--and people want the option of either buying or renting. There are lots of films I'd pay $4 or so to rent, but not $15 or $20 to buy.
- News Corp and Apple poised to offer Fox films through iTunes - Times Online (December 28, 2007)
Details of the arrangement between Apple and News Corp, such as the pricing structure and whether all new releases will be available to rent, were unclear yesterday. The pricing is likely to be competitive, because Apple will be competing with rivals such as Amazon’s Unbox video downloading service, which sells films at relatively low prices.
WiredのBryan Gardiner記者が良記事「リッピング可能が本当なら」
- 20th Century Fox the First to Offer iTunes Movie Rentals? | Epicenter from Wired.com (December 27, 2007 | 1:11:53 PM By Bryan Gardiner)
If true, it's certainly an interesting move by 20th Century Fox. The studio made an ill-conceived attempt to boost the portability of its content earlier in the year when it released a special DVD bundle of Live Free or Die Hard with its own Digital Copy technology.
In theory, that embedded file was supposed to do the same thing DVDs with FairPlay will do: let users load the movie onto their laptops and video-capable music players. Turns out, the digital copy didn't work with Macs or iPods -- a slight obstacle to portability considering how many iPod users are out there. For now, it's unclear whether the deal with Apple will supplant Fox's own DRM or simply be an addition.
Apple is currently thought to be in similar talks with other major studios about offering new releases (for rental and purchase) via iTunes. Those studio include Sony Pictures Entertainment, Paramount and Warner Bros. Whether any of those deals will be finalized before MacWorld remains to be seen, however. Currently, Walt Disney is the only studio selling its new releases on iTunes. Paramount, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Lionsgate offer a handful of their older movie titles through the store.