マイクロソフト、Windows Vista SP1は近い


There are times when I feel like I'm in a tiny minority of people who don't hate Windows Vista.

The root of the problem seems to be that Vista, like every other Windows release, doesn't provide a barrier between itself and other software. You can't keep a copy of Vista clean when new programs insert bits of code into the plumbing of the system, in the form of shared libraries and Registry entries. The accumulation can still clog up the pipes over time.


Many businesses are still waiting until after Vista SP1 is released before considering an upgrade.

Microsoft has sold more than a 100 million Windows Vista licenses in the year since the new operating system was released, and the company has grown its client business by about 20 percent over the same period, company officials said Jan. 24.

Many business are hopeful that Vista SP1 will deliver the improvements Microsoft has been promising.