
グーグルの新しい広告はAdSense for Video

Googleは2月21日、ビデオ用の広告サービス「AdSense for video」のβ版を一部パブリッシャー向けに公開した。同社傘下のYouTubeで使用している広告フォーマット「InVideo」によるビデオ広告配信のほか、サイトやビデオの内容に合わせて表示するテキストオーバーレイ広告の配信も可能。




課金方式はテキスト・オーバーレイ広告がCPC (Cost Per Click : クリック単価)ベース、インビデオ広告はCPM (Cost per Mille : インプレッション単価)ベースとなる。


AdSense for Video will offer advertisers a choice between video or text ads that will be overlaid on a small portion of the video viewer. The text ads will rotate every 20 seconds and be tailored to match the content of the video and of the Web page where the video is played.

WiredのBetsy Schiffman記者、テキスト広告よりヴィデオ広告のほうが儲かるのが普通

Although it's not clear how much money publishers will make from the video-based ads -- nor is it clear how many publishers will be eligible for the program -- conventional wisdom is that there's a lot more cash in video-based ads than plain text ads.

CNET News.comのElinor Mills記者、気が散るだけで効果は薄いと指摘

I'm not complaining...well, actually I am. The ads don't offer much, except more distraction to already ad-filled Web sites.
Viewing the ads on My Damn Channel, for instance, you can't always tell an ad from actual entertainment content. I know the lines between advertising and entertainment are blurring. But this seems like overkill. There are banner ads on the sides, top, and bottom of the page. There are text ads on the sides and the same text ads are now rotating as overlays on top of the video I'm watching, covering up a swath at the bottom of the screen and interfering with the action.


Google competitors include a number of startups, such as VideoEgg. In addition, Microsoft and Yahoo also deliver video ads to their partner sites. Yahoo this month announced the $160 million acquisition of Maven Networks, which provides technology for delivering video content and ads to more than 30 media companies, including Fox News, Gannett, The Financial Times, Hearst, E.W. Scripps, and CBS Sports.


  • グーグルの新しい広告はAdSense for Video
  • 広告テキストを画面の中に小さく組み込むが、見る見ないは自由
  • クリック単価方式か、インプレッション単価か
  • 20秒ごとにテキスト広告は入れ替わる
  • WiredのBetsy Schiffman記者、テキスト広告よりヴィデオ広告のほうが儲かるのが普通
  • CNET News.comのElinor Mills記者、気が散るだけで効果は薄いと指摘
  • 競合は激しい、ヤフーがすでに関連企業を買収している