
だがひとつ、そこに問題がある。そのプログラムが数年にわたって開催されると、それまでに輩出されたチームはだいたい25ほどにのぼる。スポンサーのVCは1つのチームへの融資を決定するが、のこりの24チームは融資見送りとなる。この24チームはその後、ほかのどこからも融資を受けることがなかった。なぜか? これは、プログラムに参加したもののスポンサーのVCから融資を受けられなかったということは、周囲の投資者コミュニティからはキズモノとして受け取られてしまうからだ。
いちばん優れたプログラムは、その終了後に会社に融資しようという心算のあるスポンサーをつけずに行なわれる。 (つづきを読む)

There is a certain well respected venture capital firm (VC) that has a program for fledgling entrepreneurs. The teams that are selected get a desk, a small stipend, and advice for a few months from experienced VCs. I could imagine back when I was starting my first company thinking this was a great opportunity – especially the advice part.

Here’s the problem. A few years into the program, approximately 25 teams have gone through it. The sponsoring VC funded one team and passed on the other 24. None of those other 24 have gotten financing from anyone else. Why? Because once you go through the program and don’t get funded by the sponsoring VC, you are perceived by the rest of the investor community as damaged goods.

Most early stage investors are bombarded with new deals. There is no way they could meet with all of them, or even spend time seriously reading their investor materials. In order to filter through it all, they rely heavily on signals. The person referring you to them is a very big signal. Your team’s bios is a very big signal. And if you were in the seed program of a VC who has a multi-hundred million dollar fund and who decided to pass, that is a huge signal.

Meanwhile, the unsuspecting entrepreneurs think: “I was at a prestigious VC this summer – this will look great on our bios and company deck.” The truth is exactly the opposite: the better the VC, the stronger the negative signal when they pass.

Thus, the most important question to ask before taking seed money is: How many companies that the sponsor passed on went on to raise money from other sources?

The best programs don’t have sponsors who are even capable of further funding the company.

(From the "cdixon.org - chris dixon's blog" post. Thanks to Chris Dixon.)