

“We’re building a new kind of end-to-end system for developing web applications at literally an order of magnitude faster than is possible today,” said Rosenstein. “It’s fundamentally groundbreaking technology that involves many different kinds of problems in software engineering and computer science from infrastructure, algorithms and database work to programming languages and compilers.”

Rosenstein said the new programming system, called Lunascript after Moskovitz’ cat, eliminates a lot of the grunt work involved in software engineering.

“When you’re programming, there’s a lot of work that’s really quite repetitive and rote which we ended up doing over and over again,” Rosenstein said. “We’ve created a new kind of programming system that allows a developer to express the essence and intent of the application and handles that other 90 percent of the rote, repetitive work for them.”

(From the "VentureBeat" blog post. Thanks to Kim-Mai Cutler.)