ヴィデオ・インタヴュー: グーグルのヴィック・ガンドトラとアミット・シンガルがリアルタイム検索について語る


Here’s the video of interviews BoomTown did with the two Google execs most responsible for the rollout of its real-time search and other new mobile search features announced yesterday.

That would be VP of Engineering Vic Gundotra and Google Fellow Amit Singhal, who is known as the master of ranking algorithm and search quality.

The smooth-talking Gundotra and the jumping-bean Singhal make an interesting pair of nerdish bookends, but are essentially pushing the same idea that Google is as innovative as ever.

Along with Google (GOOG) VP of Search Products & User Experience Marissa Mayer, the pair unveiled the updates at an event the search giant held in Silicon Valley.

Here is the video of the interviews

(From the "BoomTown" blog post. Thanks to Kara Swisher.)