グーグルは本当に大事なものをオープン・ソースにするべきだ: 検索ランキング・アルゴリズム


Websites live or die based on how a small group of programmers at Google decide their sites should rank in Google’s main search results. As the “router” of the vast majority of traffic on the internet, Google’s secret ranking algorithm is probably is the most powerful piece of software code on the planet.

Google talks a lot about openness and their commitment to open source software. What they are really doing is practicing a classic business strategy known as “commoditizing the complement“*.

Google makes 99% of their revenue by selling text ads for things like plane tickets, dvd players and malpractice lawyers. Many of these ads are syndicated to non-Google properties. But the anchor that gives Google their best “inventory” is the main search engine at And the secret sauce behind is the algorithm for ranking search results. If Google is really committed to openness, it is this algorithm that they need to open source...
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(From the " - chris dixon's blog" post. Thanks to Chris Dixon.)