What Newspapers Can Learn From Facebook and Mobile, how Google was the big loser in the FB Privacy Debate

What Newspapers Can Learn From Facebook and Mobile, how Google was the big loser in the FB Privacy Debate « blog maverick (Jun 3rd 2010 9:43AM Mark Cuban)

In fact, the biggest loser in the Facebook privacy debate is not Facebook, it’s Google. Why ? Because the more people that put all their status updates, information and pictures behind a wall of privacy, the fewer status updates available to google (and other search engines as well). The net result is that Google’s mission to index all the world’s information has been irreparably damaged. 500mm Facebook users and most of what they all publish to their networks is unavailable. There is probably more information being published by FB users than on blogs, and possibly even more unique content than is published by all newspapers in aggregate. Thats a lot of the world’s information that is not available to Google.
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