
Consider Android. Google acquired Andy Rubin and Rich Miner’s young startup, Android. Then after making that acquisition they put Andy in charge, put big goals in place, put proper incentives in place and then doubled down in resources.

The result: google is a huge player in the mobile landscape and it’s all because of the Android acquisition + taking care of the people + commitment. In my opinion google couldn’t have done something like android internally. They needed to go outside and they did that masterfully.

I’m not close to the situation but my sense is that YouTube is going to be a great acquisition as well. Founders are still at the company. Branding is unique, they didn’t change the name to google video and it’s clear that google couldn’t win the video game without buying YouTube (remember they tried that first). And YouTube is still innovating with new technologies (hd), new monetization and better content. And google didn’t back down from the viacom lawsuit which shows their conviction.
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