




わたしは必ずしもこれにすべて賛成はしない。ジャーヴィスはわかりやすさの名のもとにやや行き過ぎた議論をしていると思う。すなわち、わたしはいまでも、くだんの旧来の門番たち(編集者、エージェント、プロデューサ、出版社、放送局、そしてメディア産業全体)が巨大な価値を維持していると思っている。だがその動き方が大きく変わってきている。問題は、かれらが価値を守る門番の役割にだけ力を注ぎ込んでしまうと(というのがジャーヴィスの指摘するところだ -- 門番の役割にだけ頼り切っている人が多いということ)やがて状況に適応することが難しくなる。門番としての役割を超えた価値を提供しようと力を注ぎ込む人たちは、依然として巨大な価値を生み出せる。ジャーヴィスがそれを信じていることの証拠を挙げると、彼は新しい本の執筆についてブログを書いているが、そこで彼は出版界の巨人であるハーパーコリンズの「輝かしい編集者」と仕事をしているという。そこには単なる門番としてではなく、たしかに価値がある。(つづきを読む)

As you know, we talk an awful lot about understanding abundance and scarcity around here, and how that's really important if you want to understand what the future holds for a variety of different businesses. Failing to understand abundance and scarcity is a recipe for disaster these days. And the more you look, the more you realize that technology is creating new abundances and new scarcities in all sorts of places. Tons of industries are either already experiencing this (entertainment, content, publishing, news, software, etc.) or are about to (energy, health care, finance, etc.). But it's also showing up in other realms as well, and Jeff Jarvis has a smart post about how it's impacting privacy. He summarizes it in a very catchy manner:

Once-abundant privacy is now scarce. Once-scarce publicness is now abundant.

The concept of "publicness" is one that's been getting greater attention lately (Jarvis is writing a book on the subject, apparently), but it's this recognition of the flipside of privacy. As Jarvis notes, it used to be really "scarce." It was very difficult to have large parts of your life public. It only happened for a very small number of people, and involved a lot of gatekeepers. That's no longer the case.

The economics of abundant publicness mean that the old gatekeepers -- editors, agents, producers, publishers, broadcasters, the entire media industry -- overnight lost their power. That's why they're so upset. That's why they keep complaining about all these amateurs taking over their sacred turf -- because they are. What they thought was valuable -- their control -- now had no value. They can't sell their casting couches and presses on craigslist for nothin'. They are being beat by those who break up their control and hand it out for free (Google, craigslist, Facebook, YouTube, etc.).

Abundant publicness also creates new value. Google search is made up of that value. Twitter movie chatter predicting box-office success is that value. Annotations on maps, restaurant reviews, health trends, customer desires -- and on and on -- all find value in our publicness and so new companies are being built on that value. That is why it is in the interests of both companies and customers to be public and why privacy -- when it does compete, when it discourages publicness -- becomes a nuisance for them.

I don't totally agree with this. I think he takes the argument slightly too far in the name of simplicity. That is, I still think that many of the jobs carried out by those old gatekeepers -- editors, agents, producers, publishers, broadcasters, the entire media industry -- actually do still have tremendous value. But a lot of how it works has changed. The problem is when they focus solely on the gatekeeping function as the value (which is Jarvis' point -- many really hung their hat solely on the gatekeeping function), then it's difficult for them to adapt. Those who focused (and still do) on providing greater overall value beyond the gatekeeping still do have tremendous value. As proof that Jarvis believes that, just look at his post about that new book he's working on where he talks up his "brilliant editor" at publishing giant HarperCollins. There's value there, it's just not in gatekeeping.
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(From the "Techdirt" blog post. Thanks to Mike Masnick.)