ケータイ? セットトップ・ボックス? タブレット? アップルとグーグルが戦っている間に、アマゾンはひっそりと待ち伏せしている

2007年にアマゾンがキンドルをはじめて発売したとき、わたしは困惑した。よく言われていたのは、アマゾンのコンテントをもっと多く取り入れる方法だというものだった。だが399ドルでは、いったい誰が買おうとするだろうか? アマゾンがハードウェアの売り上げでカネを稼ぐことに関心があるのではないかとすら思えた。それから時が経ち、値が下がったものの、いちばん大きな問題は、競争相手が増えたということだ。目下、189ドルで(3Gヴァージョン)アマゾンがキンドルを売って得る利益は疑うべくもなく大きいが、かつてよりはずっと小さい。ではこんどは何を目標とするのだろう?
キンドルはアマゾンのコンテントを取り入れるためのデヴァイスとしては実に合理的だ。それに値段がここまでくれば、メジャーな方法としても十分通用する(少なくともしばらくは)。だがアマゾンのハードウェア戦略の実態がコンテントを取り込むことであるのなら、なぜかれらはキンドル・ブックスをやらないのか? というのは、ニュー・ヨーク・タイムズが掘り出した情報によればアマゾンはその気がないらしい。

When Amazon first released the Kindle in 2007, it confused me. The popular notion was that it was a way to move more Amazon content. But at $399, who on Earth was going to buy it? Instead, it looked as if Amazon was interested in making money off of hardware sales. Time passed and the price dropped, but the biggest factor there was increased competition. Now, at $189 (for the 3G version), Amazon’s margins on the Kindle are undoubtedly much, much lower than they once were. So what’s the endgame here?

The Kindle does make sense as a device to move Amazon content. And it’s finally priced to the point where that can happen in a major way (at least for a while). But if Amazon’s hardware strategy really is a means to move content, why are they stopping with Kindle books? Well, they’re not according to some information dug up by the New York Times.

Amazon is working on a number of hardware products, sources tell Nick Bilton of NYT. According to these people with knowledge of Amazon’s plans, the Kindle was merely the first piece of hardware to come out of the online retail giant. More specifically, the company has a division named Lab 126 that is in charge of these hardware projects ― and we can probably expect devices meant to facilitate Amazon music and movie purchases (and rentals) next.

The obvious initial thought there is that this could mean some sort of Amazon MP3 player. But MP3 players are already on their way out ― just ask Apple. iPod sales continue to fall despite sales of nearly every other Apple product going through the roof. In fact, the only iPod that seems to be going strong is the the iPod touch ― a device which is much more than an MP3 player.

It would make much more sense for Amazon to be working on some sort of media consumption device for the living room. Yes, an Amazon TV.
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(From the "TechCrunch" blog post. Thanks to MG Siegler.)