

...There a two important things to note about this. First, as all the pundits are currently screaming about at the top of their lungs, mobile providers could easily do an end run around net neutrality by offering all sorts of Internet content as separate data services, and making it faster than the "open Internet" served up in phone browsers.

Second, there is nothing that mobile providers offer that couldn't be an Internet offering. Voice-over-IP services are already a huge business. Internet-based texting services are growing up rapidly. And streaming video is obviously everywhere. In the long run, there is no reason for phone service as we know it, let alone SMS, to exist as separate networks. In 50 years, they probably won't.

But for now, they do exist, and they're a very important part of what mobile carriers offer. There is no obvious justification for regulating how mobile carriers balance these different services. Since we badly need innovation in this area, regulating it would in fact be a terrible idea. And, precisely because the line between Internet service and other data services is so fuzzy, heavy-handed enforcement of net neutrality simply doesn't make sense for mobile.
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(From the "Silicon Alley Insider" blog post. Thanks to Nick Saint.)