

The drumbeat of reports pointing to an impending Verzion iPhone launch is getting louder.

Which doesn’t mean that it’s true. Just that there’s a lot of drumming going on.

Still, for the record: Apple blogger John Gruber reports that Apple is doing advanced testing of a CDMA version of the iPhone ― the kind the it would need to produce to bring the phone to Verizon’s (VZ) wireless network.

Even if you take Gruber’s word for it, the existence of CDMA test units doesn’t make a Verizon deal a foregone conclusion. It’s possible, for instance, that the phones are designed with other CDMA carriers in mind ― like Sprint (S), or China Telecom, or SK Telecom.

But the story does fit nicely with other reports pointing to an impending iPhone/Verizon launch, perhaps in January.
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(From the "MediaMemo" blog post. Thanks to Peter Kafka.)