Leaving Hatena for tumblr

Leaving something you belong to for something you never heard of is always hard to decide.
Leaving something you belong to for something you scarcely hear bad of, however, is sometimes fun to decide.
Today, I want to decide a decision full of fun. Because Tumblr seems to be much more fun, than Hatena.
This time, I really miss Hatena Diary in leaving for a while...but, it isn't an end at all.
It is a new relationship to me, well, with Hatena. I always love Hatena, I sometimes hate Hatena. And I have belonged to Hatena for 3 years.
There are some reasons for leaving Hatena:

  • I don't like 「最終更新日時」("Last Update") in Hatena Bookmark entry page.
  • I don't like 「お気に入られ」("favorited"(terrible, isn't it?)) in Hatena Bookmark my page.
  • I don't like 「○○さんもはてなブックマークをつかっています!」("Get short, timely messages from ○○") in Hatena Bookmark guest page. Worst experience, especially for my parents(not a Hatena user).
  • I don't like 「ブログトップ」("myblog top page") in Hatena Diary. ISN'T IT DIARY??? Why BLOG? It's a suicide.
  • I don't like new Hatena Diary edit page. Slow. Complicated. Bad button.

I am sorry.
Need some leave for a while.
I always love Hatena, but sometimes hate Hatena. Now, hate won over love.
Going to tumblr.


While you get set up, we wanted to let you know about a quick way to post to your blog from right here:

Just send an email with text, photos, quotes, or MP3s, to 90foridd@tumblr.com and it will appear. You can even send photos or texts to this address from your phone. Try it out, and make sure you add it to your address book!

For more info: http://www.tumblr.com/docs/email_publishing
For more ways to post: http://www.tumblr.com/goodies
