
Did Yelp and TripAdvisor Push Google to Compete? - NYTimes.com (AUGUST 16, 2012, 7:37 AM Claire Cain Miller)

Google’s acquisition of Frommer’s travel guides this week offered a small glimpse into what it’s like for Web companies to live in Google’s world.
The news that Google would be publishing travel reviews set competing online review companies, like Yelp and TripAdvisor, on edge. Shares of Yelp are down 14 percent since Google’s announcement and shares of TripAdvisor are down 3 percent. The companies have said they worry that Google would favor its own results over theirs in search rankings.
But competing sites were also unhappy about Google’s original plan, which was to collect reviews from their sites instead of publishing its own reviews. So Google ended the practice and shifted its strategy, first by trying to start its own local review site, Google Places, then by buying other companies, like Zagat and Frommer’s, that publish reviews.

(From the BITS blog post. Thanks to Claire Cain Miller.)