
bezos People Don’t Want Gadgets, They Want Services - Ina Fried - Mobile - AllThingsD (September 6, 2012 at 10:55 am PT)

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos says there is a simple reason that few people bought the dozens of Android tablets launched last year.
Most folks don’t want gadgets, Bezos said. They want services.
And the Kindle Fire, Bezos said, is more a service than a gadget. Bezos is speaking at an Amazon event that just kicked off. (Click here for our live coverage)
Bezos began by showing the commercial that aired last night that he said hopefully captures the spirit of his company.
“We love to invent,” Bezos said. “We even like going down allwys that turn out to be blidn alleys. Every once in a while one of those blind alleys opens up into a broad avenue and that’s really fun.”

(From the All Things D blog post. Thanks to Ina Fried.)