インテルのつぎの経営者は誰か? 社内外の候補者を紹介しよう(3)

Who’s Next to Run Intel? A Look at the Internal and External Contenders. – AllThingsD

And while we’re on the subject, here’s another internal name that bears mentioning for the next round of succession speculation, Diane Bryant. Formerly Intel’s CIO, she has of late been managing its Data Center and Connected Systems group. I sat next to her at an Intel lunch in New York in March and saw her give a speech at a major Intel even in San Francisco in the spring. She’s put in 25 years at Intel, is about the same age as James, has an electrical engineering degree, and is a terrific and engaging public speaker. Within a few years she’ll either be recruited away or considered a contender to succeed whoever ultimately succeeds Otellini.

External candidates are hard to find. Everyone I’ve spoken to on the subject is scratching their heads. As I said, Gelsinger will be considered — and ruled out — early in the process. But the fact that the board is even willing to say it will consider an external candidate is a big admission. As I said, the last time there was a leadership transition at Intel, it just happened.

A few names are being bandied about as possibles. Sanhay Jha, the former CEO of Motorola Mobility, will likely be considered. Some folks in my Twitter feed have brought up Scott Forstall, the former senior VP of Apple and head of its iOS software business, but he doesn’t seem a good fit to me. I feel the same way about Steve Sinofsky, the recently fired president of Windows at Microsoft, who’s also been mentioned in my Twitter feed.

Here’s a name that comes to mind: Dave Donatelli of Hewlett-Packard. He’s executive vice president and general manager of HP’s Enterprise Group and widely seen as a heavily-favored contender for the top job there when it becomes available. Trouble is, it probably won’t for at least a few more years. Before HP he spent two decades at EMC. The search firms will at the very least put his name on the list.

(From the All Things D blog post. Thanks to Arik Hesseldahl.