
Apple’s Getting Bigger in Texas – AllThingsD
このたびのオースティンでの増員の見込みが、アップルがマックの製造工程の一部を来年、中国から合衆国内に移転する計画と関わりがあるかは不明である。CEOティム・クックが先週、ブルームバーグ・ビジネスウィークとNBCから受けた取材に対しこの計画を明かしたが、彼が最初にこれを示唆したのは5月、D: AllThingsDの壇上であった。

It’s not as though we needed another indicator of how far the tech world has shifted in the last decade, but, well, here’s another indicator.

Apple appears to be on its way to becoming the biggest employer in the Austin, Texas, area and may soon eclipse Dell. Having gotten under way in May with the construction on a new $16.5 million, 200,000-square foot building in North Austin to open by 2015, plus a second, $226 million, 800,000-square-foot office building due no later than 2025, Apple is required under a deal it reached with commissioners in Texas’ Travis County to hire no fewer than 3,655 workers on top of the 4,000 it employs in Austin now.

If current trends continue and Apple keeps adding people — and Dell keeps cutting, as it has been over the last few years — Apple will become the biggest job creator in Central Texas. The prediction comes from local economist Angelos Angelou.

The expected increase in Austin may or may not have something to do with Apple’s plans to shift some of its Mac manufacturing footprint to the U.S. and away from China next year. CEO Tim Cook disclosed the plan in interviews with Bloomberg Businessweek and NBC last week, but first hinted about it in his appearance at D: All Things Digital in May.

(From the All Things D blog post. Thanks to Arik Hesseldahl.)