アップルに関する噂サイト閉鎖で本当に傷を負ったのは誰か? - New York Times Blog

It’s easy to see the imminent shutdown of Think Secret, the Apple rumor site, as a victory in Apple’s war against leaks and a deterrent for others who want to report aggressively about a company.

アップルに関する噂サイトThink Secretの決定的となった閉鎖を、アップルが情報漏えいへの闘いや、会社のことできわどい報告を広める行為を抑止することに勝利したとするのは簡単だ。

But that’s not how Nick Ciarelli, the Harvard senior who founded the blog when he was 13, sees it.


“I see this lawsuit as something that should be encouraging for online journalists who are asserting their first amendment rights, even when their reporting draws the ire of large corporations,” he told me from his cellphone while waiting at Logan Airport for a flight home to his family in upstate New York.


The site’s closure is part of a settlement of a suit that Apple filed in 2004 in an effort to stop Think Secret from publishing what it called trade secrets. In March 2005, Think Secret responded by filing a motion under a California doctrine that is meant to prevent baseless lawsuits that inhibit free speech. These are known as anti-Slapp laws, short for Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation. The case has essentially been on hold since then, with all hearings postponed.

サイトの閉鎖はアップルが2004年に、Think Secretが公表している内容が企業秘密だとして提訴した訴訟の和解の一部だ。2005年3月にThink Secretはカリフォルニア州法にもとづいて、この件が表現の自由を阻害する根拠のない訴訟だとして退ける決定を勝ち取った。これはアンチ・スラップ法として知られており、SLAPPとは戦略的名誉毀損訴訟の略である。この件は全ての公判が延期されていて当初から完全に停止状態にあった。

“We mounted a very aggressive First Amendment defense,” Mr. Ciarelli said. “Apple basically took no action to move the lawsuit forward. It is because they knew they were going to lose.”


Mr. Ciarelli declined to discuss terms of the settlement, other than to say he was “very satisfied.”


Several lawyers who followed this case closely said Mr. Ciarelli’s claims of satisfaction indicate that he received a substantial cash settlement. California’s Anti-Slapp law would allow him to claim legal fees if his motion were affirmed.


Kurt Opsahl, a lawyer for the Electronic Frontier Foundation who defended AppleInsider and PowerPage, said that if the settlement deters anyone it should be Apple.


“I hope Apple realizes they have wasted their time and their money,” Mr. Opsahl said. “They paid one guy to stop blogging, and there are a lot of other Apple blogs out there.”


I spoke to the publisher of AppleInsider, who uses the pseudonym Kasper Jade. He said that despite his victory, Apple continues to send him a steady stream of cease-and-desist orders. In most cases, he ignores them. But he did remove some screenshots of unreleased software from the site that he had received from sources.


“We’ll wait to fight a cease and desist on a more serious matter,” he said. “We weren’t going to go to battle over a silly screenshot.”


Mr. Ciarelli said that in the time that he was fighting Apple’s suit, he also received cease and desist letters, but that didn’t deter his reporting.


As for why he agreed to shut down Think Secret, Mr. Ciarelli said he wanted to devote more time to his studies, his work on The Harvard Crimson, and thinking about what he wants to do when he graduates.

なぜThink Secretを閉鎖することに合意したか、という問いについてシアレリ氏は自分の学業、ハーヴァード・クリムゾン紙への仕事、そして卒業後にしたいことについて考えるのにより多くの時間を割きたいと言った。

“This is a site I’ve been working on since I was 13,” he said. “I have been ready to move on for some time, and now I can.”
