

Apple has signed News Corp’s 20th Century Fox studio to a new online video-on-demand service in a deal that could change the way people pay for online film content.


The agreement will allow consumers to rent the latest Fox DVD releases by downloading a digital copy from Apple’s iTunes platform for a limited time, according to a person familiar with the situation.


The Apple-Fox deal, likely to be announced at the Macworld show on January 14, has the potential to transform film distribution.



In an effort to jump-start the market for online movies, News Corp.'s Twentieth Century Fox and Apple Inc. are preparing to announce a deal in which Fox movies would be available for rent digitally through Apple's iTunes Store, according to people familiar with the matter.


Apple already sells movies from some studios via iTunes, which consumers can keep permanently. Walt Disney Co. -- where Apple chief executive Steve Jobs is a large shareholder and board member -- sells both new releases and catalog titles. Some others, such as Viacom Inc.'s Paramount Pictures, sell only older movie titles through iTunes.



The agreement will allow rentals of Fox's latest DVD releases by downloading a copy from the online iTunes store for a limited time, the Financial Times said, quoting a source. The Wall Street Journal also reported the deal in its online edition.


Users would be able to download the latest Twentieth Century Fox movies from iTunes and view them for a limited time, the Financial Times reported, citing "a person familiar with the situation."


The deal between Apple and Twentieth Century Fox will "likely" be announced on January 14 at the Macworld conference, the Financial Times said.
