リーナス・トーヴァルズ:オープン・ヴォイセズ - The Linux Foundation Podcast


Jim Zemlin: So, I wanted to start out by asking you the first question. What is it like being a part of The Linux Foundation?


Linus Torvalds: To me, what I’ve been doing for the last four years has basically been finally doing Linux full-time. Before that I always had – I had a so-called real job that supported me and the family and then Linux was kind of a hobby and although my employers knew about Linux and supported it, but it was not my official job.


So, about four years ago I basically said I needed to do it full time and I was ready to just go at it alone and just take a break from Transmeta and, instead, found this company that was willing to support doing what I needed to do anyway.


So, as far as I’m concerned, The Linux Foundation is my way of not having to worry about all the details about feeding my family and doing what I wanted and needed to do.


Jim Zemlin: Great. What motivates you to work on Linux?


Linus Torvalds: Well, it used to be the technology was just – I was interested in just how the hardware worked and the interactions between hardware and software and that’s still a large part of it, but largely it’s also now just the social side.


So, it’s just a lot of fun working with people; even though, I mean, I sit in my basement all day long and actually don’t meet anybody at all, but what I do is essentially communicate and it is very social: reading email from people, answering them, telling them that they’re being difficult. Although I don’t – I just say it in that polite manner or that they’re doing a good job and trying to push people in the right direction.


Jim Zemlin: You’ve often been quoted as saying, ‘Linux is just fun,’ and that’s what really motivates you to do this.


Linus Torvalds: Right.


Jim Zemlin: Do you see Linux, the development of Linux as something of a greater cause?


Linus Torvalds: No. No, not to me; I mean, to other people it is. I mean, it’s actually one of the things I found to be interesting is how people use Linux in ways that I didn’t start out designing it for and sometimes use it for things that I really don’t care about personally that much.


And all the usage where people use Linux for third world countries and helping humanity, some people think that’s why I got into it and, no, that’s not why I got into it and the credit should go to projects like OLPC that use Linux to try to better the world in a bigger picture.


To me it’s being – I think it’s very interesting and, I mean, when I say it’s – what drives, motivates me is the fun part. I mean, part of being fun is that it should be difficult enough to not be trivial. So, fun doesn’t mean that it’s frivolous; it just means it’s interesting and exciting.


Jim Zemlin: Let’s talk about the part that “difficult enough to be not be trivial.” So, there’s a technical aspect to…


Linus Torvalds: Right.


Jim Zemlin: …being difficult. There’s a social aspect and a collaborative aspect to being difficult as well. Which do you find more challenging? Is it just different?

ジム・ゼムリン:難しいことですね。これには対人的なことと、共同作業のことが同じくらい難しいですね。あなたはどちらがより挑戦的だと思いますか? これは違うことですか?

Linus Torvalds: They’re all, I mean, they’re all changing and they’re just different in sometimes the technology itself can be really challenging; the technical side is seldom frustrating. So, the technical sides are often easier in that sense that I don’t get frustrated. Okay, we’ve had a bug and we’ve hit our head against a technical bug for a couple months and, yes, that can be – feel slightly frustrating at same – but at the same time, you always know that it’s something that you are going to solve and you’re just – I never worry about that.


The social side is maybe a bit more difficult in the sense that that can be really frustrating and sometimes you don’t solve the social problems and people get upset and I think that’s very interesting too. I mean, it’s not – if it was – if everybody was easy and everybody was all pulling in the same direction, it wouldn’t be as fun and interesting.


And it’s different and also it changes from time-to-time. Sometimes we concentrate on technical problems and then occasionally, happily fairly seldom, there comes like this perfect storm of social issues that start up and one flame-war perhaps brings out some other issues that people have had and have been kind of simmering under the surface, so.


So, it’s not like you have this constant technical and social issues; they tend to come and go.


Jim Zemlin: Let’s look a level deeper at the social interaction because open source is often described as this sort of democratizing process that, you know, everyone has a say, there’s this grand consensus, but at the end of the day, needs to be some sort of decisiveness when it comes to making decisions. How do you deal with that?


Linus Torvalds: Well, I mean, it’s really not a democracy at all and some people call it a meritocracy which is not necessarily correct either. It’s – I have a policy that he who does the code gets to decide, which basically boils down to there’s a – it’s very easy to complain and talk about issues and it’s also easy for me to say, ‘You should solve it this way.’


But at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is actual code and the technology itself and the people who are not willing to step up and write that code, they can comment on it and they can say it should be done this way or that way or they won’t, but in the end their voice doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is code.

(part 1: to be continued)