




NECの試作機を語るKazuyoshi Kuwahara(桑原一悦氏)をTimes Onlineが記事で紹介

Google itself, meanwhile, has not ruled out releasing its own Google-branded phone.
"I expect you’re ultimately going to see many devices, but one manufacturer will make it first, and they will have a significant advantage because of the strong association with the Google name,” Kazuyoshi Kuwahara, a semi-conductor engineer at NEC corporation, which has made a chip that runs Android, said. "It’s a very attractive proposition for a manufacturer to be bringing out the first Android phone.”


The interface is dead quick and rather glorious, and while we had no internet connectivity on it, we still were able to have a peek at various applications -- check the gallery for more photos. NEC / Wind River were also showing off an Android prototype platform running on a Medity2 testbed -- also at 500 MHz -- though it's a pretty early implementation and was pretty wonky. Interestingly, neither of them had functional input in the browser, so while the NEC version was online, we couldn't point it anywhere useful.


Today's update provides enhancements to the original SDK announced in November to provide open-source developers an "early look" that will help shape development of the Android platform, said Michael Kirkland, a Google developer, in an e-mail.
A blog entry by Jason Chen, a developer advocate working with the OHA and Google, says the update, called m5-rc14, includes a new user interface as well as a means for developers to create layout animations for their Android applications. Changes to geocoding and media-player coding are also part of the new SDK.


There are a couple of changes in m5-rc14 I'd like to highlight:

  • New user interface (.....)
  • Layout animations (.....)
  • Geo-coding (.....)
  • New media codecs (.....)
  • Updated Eclipse plug-in (.....)


Google made its name making the web easy to use, and its new operating system suggests that it will do just the same for mobile phones.
The new 'Gphone', as the device is somewhat disengenuously being called - Google didn't make it - is a simple, pared back device which puts ease of use above everything else.


  • バルセロナで開催されているMWC(Mobile World Congress)でアンドロイドがカタチになって登場
  • NEC、ARM、テキサス・インスツルメンツ(TI)がアンドロイド試作機を展示
  • アンドロイドSDKの新ヴァージョンが発表された
  • NECの試作機を語るKazuyoshi Kuwahara(桑原一悦氏)をTimes Onlineが記事で紹介
  • NEC試作機をEngadgetが紹介
  • 新しいアンドロイドSDKの5つの目玉(新しいユーザ・インタフェース、レイアウト・アニメーションズ、ジオコーディング、新しいメディア・コーデック、変更された照明設定プラグイン
  • グーグルはウェブを簡単に使えるようにしたのと同じことを携帯でしようとしている
