

一方、BBCは、 YouTubeのアクセス障害について、パキスタン政府が同サイトへのアクセス遮断しようしたことが原因ではと報じている。YouTubeに多くのイスラム教徒を怒らせる内容の、預言者ムハンマドの漫画がYouTubeに掲載されたことから、パキスタンは同日、サイトへのアクセスを遮断した。

パキスタン政府がアクセス遮断に失敗したのが原因? そんな弱いのかインターネット



What apparently happened is that Pakistan Telecom routed the address block that YouTube's servers are into a "black hole" as a simple measure to filter access to the service. However, this routing information escaped from Pakistan Telecom to its ISP PCCW in Hong Kong, which propagated the route to the rest of the world. So any packets for YouTube would end up in Pakistan Telecom's black hole instead.


The security weakness lies in why those false instructions, which took YouTube offline for two hours on Sunday, were believed by routers around the globe. That's because Hong Kong-based PCCW, which provides the Internet link to Pakistan Telecom, did not stop the misleading broadcast--which is what most large providers in the United States and Europe do.


In a country where the government more or less can tell resident ISPs what to do, blocking citizens from visiting certain sites is simple: The ISPs simply tell their customers that if they're looking for a censored site, they either receive an empty page or are redirected to wherever the ISP or government deems as an appropriate substitute destination.
But, if those same ISPs allow their internal blocking instructions to propagate out to their externally-facing routers - the ones that communicate with the wider Internet - such actions can have far-reaching implications, as we saw with YouTube on Sunday.


Attempts to access Youtube in Islamabad on Sunday were met with a generic error message saying the site was unavailable.
"Users are quite upset. They're screaming at ISPs which can't do anything," Siraj said.
"The government has valid reason for that, but they have to find a better way of doing it. If we continue blocking popular Web sites, people will stop using the Internet."


  • YouTubeサービス中断の原因はパキスタン
  • パキスタン政府がアクセス遮断に失敗したのが原因? そんな弱いのかインターネット
  • ホンコンのISPPCCWが中継に失敗したとか
  • 合衆国やヨーロッパもPCCWに依存していた
  • パキスタン政府のようにISPへの権力が強い場合、話は簡単なはずだが
  • パキスタンでインターネット利用者が減る原因になりかねない