Windows Server 2008は先行したVista、SQL Server 2008を後ろから盛り上げる役割か

2月27日、Windows Server 2008が発表された

Microsoftは2月27日(現地時間)、次世代サーバOSの「Windows Server 2008」の提供開始を発表した。


ロサンゼルス発--Microsoftは米国時間2月27日、「Windows Server 2008」のローンチイベントに元「NBC News」看板キャスターのTom Brokaw氏を起用した。

ロサンゼルスの中心地にあるNokia Theaterに集まった聴衆を前にBrokaw氏は「自分はコードを書いたり、アプリケーションを新たに設計するためにここに来たのではない」と述べた。同氏は代わりに、技術が社会にもたらした大きな変革について数分間語った。



ZDNetのMary Jo Foley記者、Windows Server 2008Windows 2008 Workstationにして販売したらいいのではないか

I’ve suggested to a number of folks at Microsoft that perhaps it might be a good idea if they took the core of Windows 2008 Server and re-marketed it as Windows 2008 Workstation, simply because it seems that a large number of companies are much more likely to adopt Server before it adopts Vista, and it simplifies things from a management and administration perspective if the Server and Workstation OSes are closely aligned with each other. This has been the traditional product marketing model in which Windows NT and Windows 2000 operated in, and only changed in the last generation with Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server.

CRNのKevin McLaughlin記者、Server 2008がVistaの機能を十分に引き出すことを可能にする

"Server 2008 will bring to life functions and features of Vista that have been hidden somewhat in Server 2003 environments," says Todd Swank, director of marketing for system builder and solution provider Nor-Tech, Burnsville, Minn. "And that's when a lot of businesses are going to begin making the transition from XP to Vista."


Like their predecessors, the new products will be offered in both 32- and 64-bit editions. But several factors this time will prompt more customers to choose the 64-bit versions, including the broad availability of 64-bit x86 server hardware and the trend toward consolidating and virtualizing server workloads to reduce power consumption and improve efficiency.
The shift will happen gradually, since most customers are not expected to deploy the products widely until next year. But it will mark a significant maturation for Microsoft's server products, which long were seen as an also-ran in the datacenter beside 64-bit Unix OSes from companies such as Sun and HP. It should also mean better performance for Microsoft customers.

eFlux MediaのDee Chisamera記者、Hyper-Vを推進するマイクロソフトには競合が現れるだろう

Microsoft’s stance this year tends towards the 64-bits OS, especially due to its Hyper-V technology, in other words, bye-bye 32-bits, time to move on. Analysts predict the launch of Hyper-V will demand for some competition once it will be out, while some still doubt it’s capabilities, after its launch has been delayed by six months.

CRNのJoseph F. Kovar記者、SQL Server 2008と連携してWindows Reliability、Performance Monitor、Resource Governorがウェブサーバの運用効率を上げる

To prepare the new Web server to work with SQL Server 2008, the employee then used the Windows Reliability and Performance Monitor tool to look at CPU utilization, followed by the new Resource Governor to dynamically move some resources from one Web server to another to account for the new server's higher workload.


  • 2月27日、Windows Server 2008が発表された
  • トム・ブロコウが登場し、技術が社会にもたらした大きな変革を語った
  • 企業用新OSの最大の注目点は「仮想化」
  • ZDNetのMary Jo Foley記者、Windows Server 2008Windows 2008 Workstationにして販売したらいいのではないか
  • CRNのKevin McLaughlin記者、Server 2008がVistaの機能を十分に引き出すことを可能にする
  • WashingtonPost、64ビットOSへの転換によって仮想化が進み、電力効率を上げる効果も見込まれる
  • eFlux MediaのDee Chisamera記者、Hyper-Vを推進するマイクロソフトには競合が現れるだろう
  • CRNのJoseph F. Kovar記者、SQL Server 2008と連携してWindows Reliability、Performance Monitor、Resource Governorがウェブサーバの運用効率を上げる