

There are many theories and tests done to determine if a .com is better than a .net or even a .org TLD. The results have been mixed to say the least. Google is always tweaking their search algorithm and what might be big today might not be big tomorrow. I still subscribe to the theory that .com (first), .org (second) followed by the .net TLD


  1. .com
  2. .org
  3. .net

なるほど。わたしは.netと.co.jpをいちおう登録してあるのだが、.comのほうがよかったのかな。でもこのAndre Hector記者による解説はいろいろな方向から検討している。

There is however another option if you have a multi-lingual website and that is to buy a .com TLD domain name and create a subdirectory for country specific information. An example would be Apple. They use apple.com which is for their international users while apple.com/uk is for their British users. Alternatively you can create uk.mywebsite.com. Google has however noted that they will start giving less weight to sub-domains in the future.
