フェースブックCEOをCNET Japanがインタヴュー


クレイグ・ニューマークがズッカーバーグの紹介文を書いている。TIME 100に選ばれたときのものだ。

The internet is about people connecting to people, whether for business, politics or socializing. That's something we've all been doing since long before the Internet existed. The real accomplishment is to make those connections so versatile and different that they create a social network that not only reflects your life but maybe expands it.
Mark Zuckerberg, 23, the creator of Facebook, has done just that.

ズッカーバーグはいろいろ試練をくぐり抜けてきた、という話をForbes.comのWendy Tanaka記者がまとめている。

He has also confided to Facebook investor Roger McNamee, a partner at Elevation Partners, that the chief executive job is more difficult than he thought. (Editor's note: Elevation is an investor in Forbes.)
Nevertheless, Zuckerberg is determined to remain in the top job, but he knew the time had come to surround himself with experienced Internet executives.


Apparently, an Indian tech news site called TechGoss has its dander up about a visit Facebook Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg (pictured here) has been making to that country.
According to sources, Zuckerberg is in India and, in fact, all over the world, on a trip that is mostly for pleasure and contemplation, but also mixing it with some business.


Quiet Facebook co-founder and chief technology officer Adam D’Angelo is leaving the company, one source tells me. D’Angelo announced the news internally this past Friday, the source says ― and Facebook has just confirmed.
In fact, according to this Harvard Crimson article, Zuckerberg moved the company from Boston to Palo Alto, Calif. in 2005 in part to be closer to D’Angelo, who was attending Caltech at the time.


Facebook founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg stressed the company’s independence on Monday, after a report the Website might be sold to Microsoft.
While traveling in Japan to promote a local version of the social-networking site, Mr. Zuckerberg told Reuters, “You can tell, from our history and what we’ve done, that we really wanted to keep the company independent, by focusing on building and focusing on the long-term.”
