

While some company watchers say it's the perfect time to make way for new blood at Microsoft, I still believe a Microsoft with Gates still running the show would have a stronger chance of success in the Google/Apple-dominated services and consumer- product arenas that are emerging as new power centers in the technology world.


Later, I had it all explained to me. "Bill doesn't really want to review your spec," a colleague told me. "He just wants to make sure you've got it under control. His standard MO is to ask harder and harder questions until you admit that you don't know, and then he can yell at you for being unprepared. Nobody was really sure what happens if you answer the hardest question he can come up with, because it's never happened before."


Ultimately, Gates' successes vastly outweigh his failures. Microsoft Bob is remembered as a joke, but it in no way diminished Windows(.....)So thank you, Bill Gates. Thanks for Windows and Word, PowerPoint and Excel, even Internet Explorer. Thanks for pushing the market to do better and keeping Steve Jobs on his toes. Thanks for making the industry more interesting with your presence.


This flurry of activity in Redmond does not guarantee Microsoft success in the cloud. Top of the list of Redmond watchers’ worries is the firm’s culture and management. Mary Jo Foley, a long-time Microsoft correspondent, thinks it will lose something vital when Mr Gates walks out of the door. She concludes in her recently published book “Microsoft 2.0” that if “Microsoft were still the company it was ten or 20 years ago, with the simultaneously ruthless and cautious Gates at the helm,” she would have “no qualms” about predicting its success.


In summer 1986, freshly graduated from Duke University with a degree in computer science and economics, Melinda Ann French was working as an intern for IBM. She told a recruiter she had one more interview – with a new company called Microsoft. The recruiter was keen. "If you get a job offer from them," she said, "take it, because the chance for advancement there is terrific."
