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Do We Need Knol?


While Knol only supports English and name verification for those in the US at launch, Google hopes to quickly internationalize it. Support for multiple languages, including Arabic and Spanish, should come quickly. Indeed, Dupont said that Google views Knol as being more important for many non-English speakers who've yet to publish material because of what Google views to be a lack of good tools in their countries.


That leads me back to my dubiousness I had when Knol was first announced:


Google already offers other content creation tools, such as Blogger and Google Page Creator. In addition, there are non-Google tools people already use to publish content, not to mention collaborative tools such as those I named at the opening of this article. Why yet another tool?


Manber said that Knol has a special focus on authors and a collection of tools that Google thinks is unique, and which in turn should encourage both content creation and readership....


Somehow, I suspect Seth Godin over at Squidoo isn't going to be buying the uniqueness argument. At least on the face of the screenshots (the one above is a page authored by Manber's wife, who is testing the system), Squidoo offers pages featuring authors prominently, which also allow ratings and some collaboration.


Google is sticking with the idea that Knol is indeed needed:


"Blogger wasn't created to solve a search problem. I do believe [Knol] does solve a search problem. The problem we have, unlocking what people know and bringing it online. This is another tool to help release some of this knowledge. My dad has never written anything online. If he sees value in writing a knol, we'd be hugely successful," Dupont said.


And the competition with Wikipedia? Isn't that what this is, a Wikipedia challenger?

ではウィキペディアとの対抗は? この代物はウィキペディアへの挑戦者ではないのか?

"We're not trying to build an encyclopedia. That's a very focused product. Wikipedia has a great product, but that's not what we're doing. What we're building is a place for people to store their bits of knowledge, and each of these bits come with the author bios and opinions and clearly that's very different from an encyclopedia. We hope many of these knols and their authors will be referenced by Wikipedia and encyclopedias and help them," Dupont said.


In particular, he also noted that unlike Wikipedia, there's no "one" entry for any particular topic. Any topic might have many different knols produced by different authors.


Watch & See


Overall, I still lean toward not wanting Google to do this. I remain concerned that by hosting this content, it plays too much in the content owner space when its core business is supposed to be driving traffic outbound to others. Hosting content sets up inherent conflicts that over time start to erode the trust people have in Google, I feel.


It's difficult, of course. YouTube is hosting content, but if YouTube hadn't offered hosting to begin with, some of the good content there would never have appeared. Google Book Search is another example. Skip the legal issues over in-copyright books. Google's hosting plenty of out-of-copyright content that's helpful -- and if it didn't host it, that content wouldn't exist on the web at all.


I can see the value in Knol's toolset and the potential it might offer to help collect further knowledge. Similarly, the unique environment that Yahoo Answers has created has indeed lead to answers showing up on the web that might otherwise not have appeared. So I'll give Knol the benefit of the doubt -- that it will perhaps occupy a space not being filled, rather than push others aside. I just wish it weren't Google

(part 4 of 4)
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