クール始動 -- この検索スタートアップはほんとうにグーグルをしのぐか?

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Can any start-up search engine "be the next Google?" Many have wondered this, and today's launch of Cuil (pronounced "cool') may provide the best test case since Google itself overtook more established search engines. Cuil provides what appears to be a comprehensive index of the web, a unique display presentation and emerges at a time when people might be ready to embrace a quality "underdog" service. The big questions now are, how's the relevancy hold up? And can word-of-mouth really still build significant share? [Note: The Cuil site was supposed to be live for searches at of 9:01pm Pacific time on July 27, but so far, I'm still seeing only a holding page. I'd expect this to change fairly soon].

スタートアップの検索エンジンで「つぎのグーグル」になりそうなものはあるか? 多くの人がこのように考えてきたが、今日始動したクールはグーグルが信頼ある検索エンジンの位置を占めていらい、最良の出来かもしれない。クールはウェブのインデックスを読解しているらしい、独自の表示方式を提案し、そして多くの人が「何者でもない」サーヴィスを進んで受け入れようとしてもおかしくない時期に登場した。これまでの大きな質問は、関連性なるものはどんな役に立つのか? クチコミはじっさい目立ったシェアを獲得できるのか? (注釈: クールのサイトは検索開始されるのが太平洋時間7月27日午後9:01からと見込まれる。だがこれまでのところ保留のページしかわたしは目にしていない。これができるだけ早く変わってほしいと思う)

Why Care About Cuil?


There's no end of companies that have been trying to take on Google as a search destination. Earlier this year, my Google Challengers: 2008 Edition article covered some of these like Hakia, Mahalo and Search Wikia. You can add to that list other companies like Gigaweb and Exalead. None of them have made a dent in Google's share.

検索という目的のためにグーグルに追いつこうとしている会社は途切れることがない。今年にもわたしは「グーグル・チャレンジャーズ: 2008年版」の記事を書いて、そのなかでハキア、マハロ、サーチ・ウィキアをとりあげた。そのリストに加えてギガウェブやエクサリードも入れていただきたい。このどれもがグーグルのシェアを食いこむことはできずにいる。

Indeed, the established players of Yahoo, Microsoft and Ask.com -- all of whom have established quality search products -- haven't dented Google either. So what makes Cuil worthy of special attention?


For one, Cuil has an impressive pedigree with its three founders: Tom Costello of IBM's WebFountain project, plus Anna Patterson and Russell Power of Google's TeraGoogle project, Google's massive search index. Cuil also counts former AltaVista founder Louis Monier -- who later went to eBay and then Google -- as part of the team.


These people know search. In particular, they know on-the-firing line, heavy duty, industrial strength search. Not only that, they're unleashing what appears to be a comprehensive service that anyone can use. Indeed, Google already did a blog post in reaction to Cuil and its size claims on Friday, before Cuil even launched or those claims became public. If Google's paying that much attention, then anyone should.


What Cuil Offers


There are four major areas that Cuil is putting out to distinguish itself from other services. These are:


-Big web index
-Unique relevance algorithm
-Unique results display

  • 大量のウェブ・インデックス
  • 独自の関連性アルゴリズム
  • 独自の結果表示
  • プライヴァシ

I'm going to dive into each of these areas in depth, to examine the importance of them as well as dissect some of the misconceptions and PR spin that they also have.

(part 1)
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