- Al Gore Joins the Lineup At Web 2 Summit - John Battelle's Searchblog (August 7, 2008 By John Battelle)
Readers may recall that Gore recently joined Kleiner Perkins as a partner focused on green issues, as well. And we are very pleased to announce that VP Gore will be joining us at the Web 2 Summit this year.
- Al Gore Joins Web 2.0 Summit Lineup - O'Reilly Radar (Aug 7 2008 Tim O'Reilly)
As I wrote last month in What Good is Collective Intelligence if it Doesn't Make Us Smarter?, at this year's Web 2.0 Summit, we're focusing on how what we've learned from the web over the past decade can be applied to solve the world's hard problems. That's why I'm really excited to see that John Battelle has persuaded Al Gore to join us.