- The Curious Case of Facebook’s Benjamin Ling and Sheryl Sandberg | Kara Swisher | BoomTown | AllThingsD (August 18, 2008 6:15 PM PT Kara Swisher)
Still, this kind of request to refrain from going right to work for a competitor in exchange for shares is not untypical, and companies almost always ask for strict nondisparagement clauses.
But in the hothouse blogging environment of today, of course, to ask for help stopping such news from leaking is like asking to hold back the ocean waves. External optics on Ling’s departure clearly became too much of a focus of Sandberg, Schrage and others.
More to the point, although he did consider delaying acceptance of the job at Google, even though there were other contenders for the position, Ling did not want to agree to Facebook’s messaging about his departure.
Said one Ling supporter: “How could he guarantee that someone was not going to find out and then he would have had to tell a lie about his plans? Especially, given that Facebook is the leakiest place in the Valley?”
リンの支援者のひとりが言う。「誰もそれを見つけそうもなかったのだから彼は計画について嘘を言えばよかったのにと彼に強制することなど、できるでしょうか? ましてや、フェースブックはバレーでいちばん話の漏れやすい場所であるのに」
Good point and thank goodness! Valleywag wrote about Ling lunching at Google and I wrote of the details of Ling’s new YouTube job on Friday.
たしかにそうだ、ありがとう! バレーワグはリンがグーグルで昼食をとっていたと書き、わたしはリンの新しいユーチューブでの仕事についての詳細を金曜日に書いた。
Facebook sources, though, said Ling threatened to badmouth the company if they did not pony up. “He insinuated he was going to talk badly about all of us, and we did not want to deal with him acting like that,” said one source.
Sources supportive of Ling said this was not the case and that he was not ever going to impugn Facebook, although Ling was, of course, unhappy.
“Why they didn’t give him some credit for his work and align his interests with theirs by being more generous is a mystery to all of us,” said one Facebook exec, who noted that Ling was prominently featured onstage in the most recent rollout of platform changes at Facebook. “His fall from grace makes you think anyone could go from valued employee to bum pretty quickly.”
Other sources at Facebook disagree, noting Ling was simply a hire who did not pan out as expected and that the fault was in not dealing with the issue sooner.
They also note that the company would never have agreed to put Ling prominently onstage if they had known he was considering a move to Google.
But once again, if Facebook was unhappy with Ling’s work, why put him onstage at all?
It’s hard to get a good answer to that question, which–to me–underscores the disorganization around Ling’s leaving.
“Ben is a really smart guy and Google is probably a better place for him,” said one Facebook exec. “He will probably do well, but he did not do well here.”
Actually, neither Facebook nor Ling did very well in dealing with the disintegration of the relationship.
Ling got a new job at YouTube and a fat signing bonus, but no Facebook shares, some of which he probably deserved for his work on the platform.
And Facebook learned yet another hard lesson about growing up. It is doubtless going to be one of many, many to come.
(part 3 of 3)