


I don’t find many opponents of Microsoft technology who have bad things to say about Visual Studio. It is generally considered a great product, and the fact that many of its concepts are copied in competing development tools is a testament to its status as a setter of trends in development technology. People may complain about its price, but they don’t often claim that it is a bad product.


Few companies are as driven by email as Microsoft. I received stacks of the stuff while a Microsoft employee, and combined with the integrated calendar in Outlook, it served as the primary means by which Microsoft coordinated things across a large and diverse company. That internal experience has helped to inform the design of both Exchange and Outlook. Microsoft is in a unique position to know what kinds of issues large distributed organizations face from a communications standpoint because it is such an organization itself, and that knowledge has been poured into the design of Exchange and Outlook. That, I think, has played an important role in making the pairing dominant in the enterprise.


Microsoft, again, is a platform company. It works best when everything they build is an extension of that platform, not just because that makes the platform as a whole valuable, but because it leverages the unique investment in software platform expertise that the company has built over the years.