
1) わたしたちは小規模なファンド(約4000万ドル)であり、そしてそのようなやり方を続けていくつもりである。これが意味するのは、シード投資がわたしたちのビジネスのすべてであるということだ。将来の資金調達の手段のひとつ、というのではない。したがって、わたしたちにとっての利益と、創業者にとっての利益は一致する。もうひとつには、もしアントレプレナーがそれを望むのであれば、小額のエグジットでもわたしたちは満足するということだ。
2) ファンダー・コレクティヴに参画する人物はそれぞれアントレプレナーであり、その半数以上はスタートアップをフルタイムの現職で経営している(わたしのフルタイムの現職は「ハンチ」のCEO/共同創業者である)。
3) わたしたちは、将来を予測する(そして実現する)最良の人とはアントレプレナーであると信じる。(つづきを読む)

As readers of this blog know, I’m a huge fan of the startup and venture capital world but also a sometimes critic of how the venture capital industry works. For a long time I’ve wanted to do more than talk about this and actually start a new kind of venture firm, designed the right way from the ground up.

Last year two friends of mine who are both very successful, serial entrepreneurs ― Eric Paley and Dave Frankel ― were brainstorming ideas for what to do next when the thought occurred: why not make their next startup a new kind of venture firm, the kind we had wished existed back when we started our first companies?

So this is what we, along with a bunch of other serial entrepreneurs, decided to do. We call our new firm Founder Collective. Joining us are Mark Gerson (founder of Gerson Lehrman Group), Zach Klein (co-founder of Vimeo/Connected Ventures), Bill Trenchard (co-founder of LiveOps), and Micah Rosenbloom (co-founder of Brontes). We expect to add more founders over time.

We think of ourselves as part of a new wave venture firms led by Y Combinator, First Round, Maples, Ron Conway/Baseline, and Betaworks, among others, that have adapted to a world where venture capital is abundant but authentic seed capital and, more importantly, mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs, is scarce. We have many similarities to these firms and also some differences:

1) We have a small fund – approximately $40M – and intend to keep it that way. This means seed investments are our entire business ― they are not options on future financings. Hence our interests and the founders’ interests are aligned. This also means we are happy with smaller exits if that’s what the entrepreneur wants to do.

2) Each person involved in Founder Collective is an entrepreneur, most of them currently running startups full time (my full-time job is CEO/co-founder of Hunch).

3) We believe the best people to predict the future ― and create it ― are fellow entrepreneurs,

(From the "cdixon.org - chris dixon's blog" post. Thanks to Chris Dixon.)