ボクシィのOTTヴィジョン なぜそれが大事なのか

Boxee's OTT Vision: Why It Matters | Steve Rosenbaum (07/21/2013 9:43 am Steve Rosenbaum)
当時すでにファンであったわたしは、アルファ版をダウンロードして、これをアップルTVにハックして動作させていた。そのくらいわたしはボクシィの味方だった。だがフレッドは正しかった。この夜はわたしがこれまで参加したどのテクノロジ・イヴェントとも似ていなかった。ホールはごった返し、まるでアンダーグラウンドのロック・ショーみたいだった。開発者たちは新しいボクシィのコードを待ち構えていた。なぜか? TVは強力かつ重要な、旧来メディアの最後の砦だからだ。考えてみよう。ウェブは、出版、写真、商取引、クラウドソース型募金などを改革してきた。しかしヴィデオはその時点まで、民主化するにはほど遠いものだった。ファイルはあまりに大きかった。ケーブルTV企業とコンテント所有者とメーカーによる秘密結社はあまりに堅固だった。ローネンは彼らの強い結束を破ろうと出て行った。さらに彼には味方となる、士気を高めたハッカーたちの軍団がいた。

Boxee began as a spin off of XBMC - an open source project to make TV something that developers could build on. And from 2008 until 2012 Boxee was the developer's choice for a free desktop video platform.

In December of 2009, noted venture capitalist and NY Tech leader Fred Wilson blogged: "I encourage all of you who want to see the future of television to get on the L train and head out to Williamsburg," he said in advance of the Boxee Beta launch at the Music Hall of Williamsburg.

I'd already been a fan, and I'd downloaded the alpha and had it running on a cracked Apple TV - so I was in camp Boxee already. But Fred was right, and the evening was unlike any tech event I'd ever attended. The hall was jammed, like a underground rock show - and the developers were chomping at the bit to get their hands on new Boxee code. Why? Because TV is powerful, important, and the last great bastion of unbroken media. Think about it. The web has revolutionized publishing, photography, commerce, crowdsourced funding, and more. But video had at that point remained a hard thing to democratize. The files were to big.The cabal of cable TV companies and content owners and makers too powerful. Ronen was out to break their grip, and he had an army of motivated hackers to help him get there.


In 2010 things heated up; Ronen debated Mark Cuban on stage at SXSW. Things got testy - with Cuban saying the internet isn't robust enough to distribute video content in HD and that Cable/Satellite are the best distribution channels for it. Ronan responded that the future of the internet is video and he's currently building a service to deliver it. He has seen the future with clarity and drive, saying of web content's role in TV: "It's not a matter of if but when."

What I admired about Ronen then, as I do today, was his willingness to see the future not as a series of limits and entrenched interest, but rather as something that consumers want and deserve. His vision was about choice and freedom, not about controlling what consumers can see with his software or devices. Compare this to Apple TV, and the distinction is obvious. Apple believes the mass market wants clean, simple choices and top down review of content. No objectionable content on Apple TV. No edgy video blogs. No counter culture voices. No risky content. But Boxee users wanted open access, and with Ronen's software they had unfettered access.

That being said- it wasn't an easy path. One Boxee advisor who I know told me he pled with Ronen not to wear a hoodie to a meeting with network execs. But Ronen wasn't playing by their rules. The hoodie remained, as did the challenges.

(From the "HuffPost Tech" blog post. Thanks to Steve Rosenbaum.)