
It’s no secret. I love Twitter.


It’s no secret. I love Twitter. I fell for it in 2007 and haven’t looked back. It changed my life and that’s a fact.

I follow hundreds of people. You can take a look at every single person and brand I follow on my profile @bijan

I modify the folks I follow every few months. Mostly I add new ones but occasionally take some names off so my twitter feed frequently gets a new flavor

And I open the app throughout the day. Sometimes to share a thought, or a link or a photograph. And mostly to read.

I search on Twitter every day as well.

But this post is about something else. It’s about a secret list I follow and I call it favtweeps as you can see in this screenshot.

When I’m pressed for time I goto this list. It’s a list of intentionally less than 50 people whose tweets I never want to miss. And the cool thing is I can mark this list as private so I don’t have any social hangups.

Give twitter lists a try if you don’t already. Create a small one and mark it as private. And see what happens.

(From the "Bijan Sabet" blog post. Thanks to Bijan Sabet.)