

When Twitter last year introduced Vine,a slick app that lets people shoot and share short videos, I did what I always do when a buzzy, high-profile service makes its debut: I immediately downloaded it and started playing.

Like Twitter, Vine is designed for brevity: Videos are limited to six seconds and run on a loop. In its early days, comedians, Hollywood studios and quirky stop-motion video artists adopted it.

Though the app intrigued me, I soon found myself struggling to create clips that were entertaining or, at least, interesting. After a few months, I lost interest, deleted the app and mostly forgot about it.

For a while, it seemed that nearly everyone else did, too. The tech press, which had fawned over the service when it began, stopped paying much attention to Vine after Instagram, the photo-sharing service owned by Facebook, unveiled a rival service called Instagram Video. It lets users create clips as long as 15 seconds.

But then something curious started to happen. Friends were sending me links to Vine videos via text and instant messages, and I found myself clicking to watch the clips, often several times a day. Such links were popping up constantly on services like Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr. The sheer proliferation of Vine links seemed to suggest that its popularity wasn’t fading, but possibly surging.

In fact, according to data from comScore, the mobile and Web analytics firm, Vine’s overall traffic has reached 22 million unique visitors a month, compared with 3 million shortly after it started. I realized that I had approached the service in the wrong way: Instead of fumbling with figuring out how to make videos, I should have been enjoying those that others were posting. And now, there are a lot to enjoy.

If Instagram feels like looking at people’s lives through rose-colored glasses, Vine feels like a tour of their chaotic, innermost thoughts.

(From the NYTimes blog post. Thanks to Jenna Wortham.)