
クラウドとあらし: ニコラス・G・カー、クラウド・コンピューティングを語る(5)

Clouds and Storms: Nicholas G Carr on cloud computing - CIO UK Magazine (04 August 2008 Peter Kirwan) <1 2 3 4 5 6 Fighting talk 議論を戦わせる The IT industry did greet Does IT Matter? with a hailstorm of abuse. Bill Gates called the boo…

クラウドとあらし: ニコラス・G・カー、クラウド・コンピューティングを語る(4)

Clouds and Storms: Nicholas G Carr on cloud computing - CIO UK Magazine (04 August 2008 Peter Kirwan) <1 2 3 4 5 6 “Yes, my advice was to cut costs, avoid risk and not really innovate,” says Carr over the phone. That advice, he admits, is…