リーナス・トーヴァルズ:オープン・ヴォイセズ(2) - The Linux Foundation Podcast

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And it turns out people are lazy, so most people are much happier just arguing and quite often you only have one set of – one example code and there’s not a lot of real choice there. You – there’s not a lot of people who are competent enough to really do kernel programming and also not lazy enough that they actually get the job done.


So, occasionally it turns out that we have two pieces of code that actually do the same thing or similar things in different ways and then you get to the situation where somebody has to choose and quite often it’s me and that can cause some social issues with that too. It’s actually fairly unusual.


Jim Zemlin: But you’re willing to make those decisions when you need to, right?


Linus Torvalds: Right. And actually, the technical issues are fairly easy in the sense that if I end up doing – making the wrong decision, we can undo it. It happens. I mean, people just say, “Okay, it maybe have looked like the right decision, but that was completely off-the-wall wrong.”


And we just switch over and it can be slightly painful at times, but as mentioned, it’s not that common to have – to make big decisions in the first place and most of the time the decision isn’t the wrong one.


Jim Zemlin: Step us through the organization of the development process itself. You know, who are the people who are at the center of the project and how does the project expand out in terms of the participants who work on the Linux kernel?


Linus Torvalds: Well, one of the – my favorite theories that the whole organization doesn’t really exist and that it’s largely self-organizing. And what that means is we do not have any strict – when there is no rules about who is really a maintainer and even when we have a maintainer’s file that says, “This person is in charge of that sub-project,” that’s really more of a hint than anything else. It means that, okay, if you have problems in this area or if you have a patch in this area that you want to push, that person is probably the right person to approach.


But even that is a fairly soft thing and in the end what ends up happening is that it’s more like a social network where some people just have more connections than other people have and a patch is not a problem; reports tend to move along the edges from the originator through all the people who have the most connections eventually up to me and/or other few other kind of core people who have a lot of connections to a lot of different areas.


Jim Zemlin: So in many ways, participating in a meaningful way in the development process is a lot about having trusted relationships?


Linus Torvalds: Right.


Jim Zemlin: Including the different participants?


Linus Torvalds: Right. It doesn’t matter at all who you work for pretty much because nobody really cares and there might be some politics going on but in the end what happens is people know – they’ve seen other people do work over the last months or years, in some cases decades, and they know that, “Okay, I can trust this person. When he sends me a patch, it’s probably the right thing to do even if I don’t understand quite why” and you kind of build up this network.


And because it is self-organizing, it means that usually it evolves as time goes on. So, people might start out being not very central, but as more and more they show they’re good at a certain area, they kind of gather more and more trust and get more and more connection and become more central without really having a – without there being in place any way to make them central in a kind of official way.


Jim Zemlin: So, let’s talk a little bit about community, then, from this aspect of trust and I’d like to start by asking you a question about the term community itself. People throw the term community – you know, “Don’t do that. It will upset the ‘community’” or “The ‘community’ doesn’t accept this particular practice.’”


What – how do you define community? I mean, what is the way you look at that?

どんな――どうやってコミュニティというものを定義しますか? つまりね、どんな具合にあなたは見ているのでしょうか?

Linus Torvalds: I actually – I try to avoid using the word community because it’s misleading in so many ways. It’s misleading in the sense there is no one community; it’s everybody tends to have their own issues that they care about and they may – may or may not have anything to do with another person who’s ostensibly in the same community.


So, one misleading thing is thinking that people kind of share ideals and goals and that’s not true. It’s quite often the case that people have completely different goals; you have commercial vendors who have their very clear commercial goals and you have individuals that in the open source, so-called community, you often find individuals who really don’t like commercial entities, especially not the big ones. So, quite often the goals are very different.


And the other thing is, community tends to also be – become a – not just to see it as one entity, but you also see people as being inside and outside and that used to be especially – I think most companies have slowly started to learn, but it used to be a huge issues where companies kind of were talking about “How do we interact with the community?”

(part 2: to be continued)
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