リーナス・トーヴァルズ:オープン・ヴォイセズ(3) - The Linux Foundation Podcast

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And there the community ended up being some external entity when the real answer always ends up being you don’t interact with the community, you just act as a member of this non-existent community. You really – you don’t interact with it, you are part of it.


Jim Zemlin: That’s something that I’d like to expand upon because a lot of times at the Foundation, corporations will come to us and ask, “How do we participate in the community? How do we work with the community?” and our response, similar to yours, is “You can be a part of the community.”

ジム・ゼムリン:何か話を広げたいようなものがありますね、というのは財団で何度も、企業がやってきて訊ねるのです。「どうしたらコミュニティに参加できるのでしょうか? どうしたらコミュニティと仕事ができるのでしょうか?」それに対する返事は、あなたとだいたい同じです。「コミュニティに属することができますよ」

What advice would you have for corporations who have goals in participating in – let’s not use the word community, development goals?


Linus Torvalds: Usually, I mean, the easiest way is to find a person who is already a member of the development process or maybe not a very central one, but really – central enough that he’s been involved and knows how things works and basically bring that person into the company.


Quite often people, I mean, companies have those kinds of people inside already, especially if you’re in a tech company and you have interest in something like the Linux kernel, the reason you have interest in the Linux kernel probably has something to do with the kind of people you have working for you.


So, there probably already are people inside the company who know how things work.


Jim Zemlin: But you talked before about trust and why trust is important in terms of the influence you have to some degree in accomplishing what you want in the community.


Sometimes corporations don’t think about it in that way. They think, “Hey, if I assign people to work on this and I just throw resources at it, I’m going to accomplish my goal.”


How can these organizations, if they assign staff, build that trust? What should they tell their people who are participating out there?

このような組織は、要員を割り当てて、信頼を築くことができるのでしょうか? そこに参加している人にどうやって呼びかけるといいのでしょうか?

Linus Torvalds: I don’t know if there is an answer to that question. {Laughter} I – if you think about trust the way you think about trusting a personal relationship, you don’t get trust and you don’t even really build trust knowingly. The trust either comes or it does not come and it largely depends on your actions.


So, the way to build trust is not to think of it as building trust, but trying to make sure that your actions speak louder than whatever you’re saying and maybe what your internal strategy is doesn’t matter. What your external actions are is eventually what will either give you trust or not give you trust.


Jim Zemlin: Let’s talk about the kernel development process today and how it’s changed over time and let me kind of paint a picture for you and then I’m curious to hear what you have to say.


Many years ago it was a fun project that was used by companies in some cases, but it was not as widely-adopted as it is today.


Today you have this groundswell of mobile devices, of huge server implementations that are really critical to companies’ interest in industry; just this massive participation from a commercial sense.


If you look between now and then, how has the development process changed? Have the people changed? Is – what’s different now about what you’re doing than it was, let’s say, even three, four years ago when you were at Transmeta?

いまとかつてを見比べて、開発過程はどのように変わりましたか? 人が変わりましたか? それは――あなたが前にやっていたことといまではどのように違いますか、もっといえば3、4年前あなたがトランスメタにいたときとの違いは?

Linus Torvalds: I think the process is largely the same. There have been certain process changes that are purely technical in the sense that we have made some of the process more explicit and there are tools that support our particular way of doing things that did not exist five to ten years ago.


Another thing that has changed is the people involved have certainly been involved longer and are, perhaps, more aware of just how much they can screw up and care about it more than they – I’m thinking about me in particular. It was to some degree easier ten years ago when it was easy to just say, “Hey, we’ll try this and if it doesn’t work out, not a big deal.”


And we don’t have quite that amount of freedom anymore, we can’t just take completely experimental code and say, “Hey, let’s see how this works out.”


And it – as a result of that, we now have multiple layers of where a code goes in, where it doesn’t immediately go into my tree. If there is something that is experimental, it gets developed in some external tree and then usually goes through, for example, (Andrew Morton)’s tree and can sit in that tree for a year until people say, “Okay, it worked out in those trees. It hasn’t gotten a lot of wide testing yet because it’s been in specialized trees, but everything looks good so let’s push it to the main tree.”

(part 3: to be continued)
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