- Ray Ozzie's Mesh memo directs Microsofties to the web-as-platform | Technology | Guardian Unlimited (April 23, 2008 7:35 PM Jack Schofield)
If you haven't yet absorbed the first bit of Microsoft's Live Mesh announcement, take a minute to read Microsoft is introducing Live Mesh, a cloud computing platform, below.
もしあなたがまだ、マイクロソフトのLive Mesh発表の第一報になじんでいないのなら、ちょっと時間をとってマイクロソフトがLive Meshという、クラウド・コンピューティング・プラットフォームを公表しているので読んでみたらいいでしょう。
Although Microsoft has more Web-based software than most companies, developed a .net strategy based on XML and put Office online around the turn of the century, the vast bulk of its business is clearly based on client-server computing. That may not always be the case, and Live Mesh is part of the structure of a web-based operating system for the future.
マイクロソフトはほかの多くの会社よりも多くのウェブ・ベースのソフトウェアをつくってきた。今世紀に入るあたりでXMLベースの.net戦略、「オフィス」のオンライン化などだ。だがやはり、その事業のうちじつに多くが明確にクライアント=サーバ・コンピューティングに依拠している。これにあてはまらない場合もあるのだろうか、Live Meshはこの先ウェブ・ベースのオペレーティング・システムのなかに組みこまれる。
Microsoft's Chief Software Architect, Ray Ozzie, has therefore given staff a Services Strategy Update April 2008, which has been published on Read Write Web, among other places. This covers the significance of the 3Cs, content, commerce, and community, and all the connected services. It is, in short, a manifesto for the "Transformation of our Company".
そういうわけでマイクロソフトのチーフ・ソフトウェア・アーキテクトの、レイ・オジーは「2008年4月付けサーヴィス戦略」を従業員向けに発行した。これはRead Write Webや、ほかのところでも見られる。その内容は3つのCで表される、コンテンツ、コマース、コミュニティのほか、付帯するすべてのサーヴィスにわたっている。つまるところ、これは「わたしたちの会社の変身」へのマニフェストだ。
He concludes:
For customers and partners who use and who've invested in Microsoft's myriad offerings, we feel there's tremendous growth potential in moving toward a world that fully embraces software, services and the web. The device mesh, the social mesh, cloud-based infrastructure, and server/service symmetry represent great opportunities across all markets we serve. Over the course of this year, and progressively over the next few years, you'll see the principles and scenarios laid out in this document come to life through many new and service-enhanced products and services for individuals, businesses and developers. As you do, I hope you'll share my excitement and optimism as you experience how we're bringing together the power of the internet, with the magic of software, across a world of devices.
That doesn't mean Live Mesh will get any traction with web developers, but it certainly has a chance, because it uses web standards such as REST, Atom/RSS/FeedSync and XML If you'd asked me last year, I'd have said: "Easy: it will be SharePoint plus Groove on steroids", and I'd have been wrong.
これはLive Meshがウェブ開発者のすべての牽引力となることを意味しているのではなく、それでも確かなチャンスはあるということだ。つまり、ウェブ標準たとえばREST、Atom/RSS/FeedSync、XMLといったものを採用しているからで、もし昨年わたしに訊いていたら、わたしはこう答えただろう。「かんたんだよ。ステロイド入りのSharePointとGrooveといったところだろう」そしてわたしは間違っていた。
Either way, it's going to be interesting to see how the "cloud computing will kill Microsoft" camp will cope with Microsoft becoming a major supplier with an advanced cloud infrastructure, superior PC integration and the ability to undercut it on price. For an example, it seems likely that Microsoft's CRM Online tanks will eventually do quite a bit of damage to Salesforce.com.
It will also be interesting to see what Google does. Although there's been lots of talk about a "Google operating system," so far all we've seen it do is reinvent the 1970s mainframe, only cheaper. But Google has hired enough people -- plenty of them from Microsoft -- for us to expect rather more than that.