グーグル、ノルを始動: 抑制つきのウィキペディアのようなもの(3)

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Importance Of The Author


Another way knol is different from Wikipedia is that it is designed to have a heavy focus on a particular author. That's something Google emphasized about Knol when it was first announced last December. From my interview then with Google vice president of engineering Udi Manber:


"Knol is all about the authors," he said. "We believe that knowing who wrote a knol will significantly help users make better use of web content."


You can see the emphasis reflected in both the author box at the top right of each page and Google's attempt to "verify" that an author is who they say they are.


For example with Twitter, popular author Seth Godin doesn't actually twitter using the sethgodin name. Someone else does. Knol seeks to solve this by at least determining if someone's "real life" name matches what they're using on Knol.


To do this, authors are invited to "Verify Name" using a button under their picture. Verification can be done through cell phone, as Google can match names to mobile phone records, apparently. Do this, and you get a PIN code sent to your phone to complete the process.


Verizon subscribers are out of luck, as might be others (it didn't work for me using AT&T). As an alternative, you can provide a credit card number. I did a double-take at this. Google, which faces so much pressure in some quarters that it is gathering too much information, is asking for credit card numbers? I know, I know, all the usual "we won't use this for other things" reassurances are given -- and I believe them. But still, it just seems a bad idea to try it this way if only from the negative public perception that might result.

ヴェライゾンの利用者はあいにくだが、ほかの方法となる(AT&Tを使っているわたしにはうまく行なうことができなかった)。代替手段として、クレジット・カード番号を使うこともできる。わたしはこれは2度見直しをした。グーグルはあまりに多くの情報を集めすぎているという指摘があちこちでなされている状況で、クレジット・カード番号を要求するだって? わかっている、わかっている。よくある「この情報はほかの用途には一切使用いたしません」の文言はある――のでわたしはそれを信じる。しかしそれでも、こういった方法をやらなければならないのは、広く否定的な受け止められ方がされているというだけで、悪いアイディアのように思えてしまう。

Spam & Ranking Domination Issues


Google's Blogger service has become a well known haven for spammers (and the relaunched Google Sites program just got attention for hosting Viagra spam). Things have greatly improved over the past years, but its still a problem. What's to keep Google's Knol from becoming another spam repository?


The refreshingly honest answer was that Google does expect there will be spam in Knol. But Google said it also expects to keep this in control by watching for it very closely, noting that since Knol is a product from Google's search quality team, that team has a lot of experience in detecting search spam that will be applied.


What about the issue that Knol pages might start dominating Google's search results, pushing out other content, in part because they enjoy the strong authority of Google's core domain. IE, it's well discussed in SEO circles that sites that are "trusted" through having earned "authority" in various ways seemingly can rank for anything.


Google assured me that the authority of Google's domain wouldn't give Knol any additional trust. Knol pages will be scored based on the links and PageRank pointing to individual pages.


And if spam isn't kept in control, could Knol find itself banned on Google? Yes, Dupont said.

スパムがコントロールしきれなかったら、ノルはグーグルからはじき出されるということですか? そうです、とデュポンは言う。
(part 3 of 4)
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