メリンダとビル・ゲイツ: 多くの命を救う(2)

From the birth of their first child in 1996 to their youngest starting full-time school a decade later, Melinda Gates kept a low public profile. She makes stay-at-home motherhood sound a little like a start-up company she needed to get on track before she expanded: “I had to know they were well protected and we were on our way as a family.” But then she seems a formidably focused parent. She and Bill hold six-monthly strategy meetings to decide goals, plan family trips and list things they want the children to learn. She even produces a written report. I remark that she must be the most organised mother on earth. “Maybe over-organised!” she says and laughs heartily. Now, with her zeal and glow, she reminds me of many alpha mothers who, after a long stint at home, are delirious to be back in the challenge and thrust of work.


Even before they married, the Gateses had discussed dispersing Bill’s fortune. It was always just a matter of when. Bill believed he would be in his sixties before he got around to it (he is now 53). But they felt a rolling momentum to act sooner. “We were getting thousands of requests,” says Melinda. “Heartbreaking requests – cancer patients, a child needing a kidney… And you feel horrible turning those down. So we said to ourselves, my gosh, if we’re going to get going, we should work out what we stand for and target it.”


And Melinda had never forgotten her first visit to Africa in 1993 on safari. “As we went along in our nice shiny vehicles, I kept asking, ‘What’s going on here?’ The very few people who had shoes were men. The women were walking barefoot with bundles of sticks on their head and a baby in their belly and a baby on their back.” She returned home thinking, “I cannot turn away from what I saw.” Later, when the couple read a report about how millions of children were dying in the developing world from diarrhoea – a figure they initially thought must be a mistake – they set about applying themselves to the most intractable global problems.


The Gates Foundation approach is often dubbed “venture philanthropy”: they fund and shape projects, but leave agencies on the ground to do the work. Like the great American philanthropists – Carnegie, Rockefeller, Mellon – they see it as the duty of individuals, rather than governments, to address social ills. As entrepreneurs, they lack the knee-jerk aversion to the marketplace common among British liberals. Melinda cites the (RED) campaign, launched by Bono – which has persuaded Armani, Apple, Gap, American Express et al to create special products, the profits from which will be donated to fight Aids – as a beacon of caring capitalism. Bono is happy to return the compliment: “Melinda has supported (RED) since it was an embryonic idea. She and Bill helped birth it. What the Gates Foundation has done already is mind-boggling, and when the history books are written, it will be found to be responsible for having saved literally millions of lives.”


And the Gateses apply those same business principles that grew Microsoft to their new charitable empire. It is the opposite of conventional philanthropy, they have said, which sprinkles a thin layer of money on a problem to little lasting effect. Instead, they work out where they can make the most difference and get the maximum return. “We’ve just had a meeting to discuss where we are on the international partnership on microbicides,” she says. “What have we learnt? Why have some trials not been working? We’re reviewing the strategies at a high level. If they weren’t getting the results, we wouldn’t have reinvested.”

そしてゲイツ夫妻はマイクロソフトを育てたビジネスの原則をそのまま、新しい慈善の帝国にあてはめている。これは慣例的になされてきた慈善活動とは正反対だ、とかれらは言い、これまでのはカネをスプリンクラーのように薄くまき散らすだけで、問題への長続きする効果はあまりなかったという。そうではなくて、かれらがやろうとしているのは効果を最大にするための方法をつくりだすことだという。「さっきも、殺菌剤での国際提携をできるのはどこか、と話し合いをしてきたところです」と彼女は言う。「そこからなにがわかったか? どうしてその試みはうまく働かなかったのか? 戦略を高い水準まで点検していくのです。結果が出なかったのなら、それはつぎの投資はしてはならないということです」

Other Microsoft girls may have worn T-shirts saying, “Marry me, Bill!”, but, although she is not the perfectly groomed arm candy favoured by most plutocrats, there is no doubt why he chose Melinda. She shares his relentless curiosity and the belief that no problem is too big or small, too global or too domestic to be solved – it just needs to be dissected, then exposed to the laser beams of intellect and knowledge. While mostly she is reluctant to discuss her private life, fearing any trivia will distract from the foundation’s mission, she is openly adoring when she talks about Bill.


It is only six months since Gates “transitioned” – as Melinda calls it – from Microsoft, handing over day-to-day running to concentrate on his philanthropic work. It was a joke among his co-founders that you could ring Bill late any Friday night and he’d still be at his desk. She says they see each other more now, travel together, and last night were both helping with their children’s homework. “Bill is a night owl. He thinks best at night. He reads deeply on all these foundation topics and he’ll get very engaged in a book and keep going until he’s done, even if that’s 2am.”


But clearly she is delighted that their relationship is no longer Mr Microsoft and his silent wife, but Bill and Melinda, running their foundation, lobbying governments, forging strategies, solving the insoluble hand in hand. “Bill and I are having a tremendous amount of fun working together,” she says. “It’s a very deep connection to be able to work with your spouse on something that your hearts are completely engaged in. I couldn’t think of anything better.”


The prince of geeks who ploughs through textbooks on epidemiology has in Melinda a sounding board, an intellectual partner. The couple thrash out differences on foundation priorities (more nuances, she says, than major issues) taking long walks near their home on the shores of Lake Washington, outside Seattle.


“Bill just came back from a trip to India with his dad. And the first thing he wanted to do was tell me all the things he’d learnt. When I return from Africa, the first person I want to talk to is Bill. I’ll say, ‘Oh, my gosh!’, and all these light bulbs go off. One of us will throw out a statistic and the other will say, ‘Are you sure that’s right?’ The other will say, ‘The team was mentioning this…’ And the other will say, ‘But that doesn’t really match what we saw in the field the other day.’ It’s a really nice way to work.”


Protective of his perception in the world, the cynics who say the foundation is just a means for Microsoft to soften its aggressive, monopolistic image, Melinda hopes the world will now see the other dimensions to Bill’s personality besides the hard-ass entrepreneur. “He has an incredible intellect and everyone knows that. But he also has a huge heart. You don’t do the foundation work with your head. You’re not moved to give your resources away just because the data shows some number. You’re moved because of caring and concern.” On field trips, she says, he frequently weeps at the stories of suffering. And, she adds, he is far funnier than people ever imagine.


When I ask if she has, despite her obvious disapproval of flash and flaunt, any personal extravagances, she squirms, then says finally, “We do have a very nice house.” The Gates mansion (estimated to be worth $113 million) looks in photos more like a software company’s industrial compound. Indeed, it was a legendary geek bachelor pad, a temple to high-tech gadgetry, until Melinda brought in the architects and transformed it into a family home, albeit one with a domed library, trampoline room and private cinema. Melinda still feels the need to justify it: “It allows us to have a family life and at the same time do the work we want to do on the world stage. When we go inside our house, it’s just us – there isn’t some gargantuan number of people around.”

(part 2 of 3)