メリンダとビル・ゲイツ: 多くの命を救う(3)

Although her children use public parks and eat in local burger restaurants, mostly unhassled by chilled-out, down-to-earth Seattle folks, the Gateses still like to escape the public gaze. “We have the space at home. We could stay there all weekend if we wanted and not go out and be bothered. If we want to swim on a rainy Saturday in Seattle, we are lucky enough to have an indoor pool.” Indeed, one with an underwater sound system.


But many of the super-rich never leave their compounds, and decline to share their amassed fortunes. Still Melinda refuses to judge them, saying many do have philanthropic urges, but just don’t know where to begin. “Our role is to help show those people some of the ways to do it too. And showing them can be such fun.”


More than anyone I’ve ever met, Melinda Gates illustrates Freud’s dictum that – however much you own – the keys to happiness remain love and work. Perhaps she loves the slums because her experiences there seem authentic and vivid. But also because, although she is not self-righteous or saintly, she has a hint, perhaps from her Catholic upbringing, of missionary zeal. In the slums, she is not merely useful, but by dint of her immense wealth, a magical being. The rest of us behold Africa, with its latest horrors (Rwanda, Darfur, Congo) and permanent problems (famine, war, disease) in impotence and despair. But Melinda Gates is blessed with the power to change this. How must that feel? “It does feel great, but an enormous responsibility at times, too. I want to leave the world a better place in some way. And I find myself in an unusual situation of being able to, hopefully, help in some way.”

これまでに会った誰よりも、メリンダ・ゲイツフロイトの金言をうまく身をもって実現している。というのは、どれだけ私有したとしても「幸福への鍵は愛と仕事にある」とのことばだ。ひょっとしたら、彼女がスラムを愛するのは、彼女がそこで見た経験は嘘をつかず、はっきり目に訴えるものだからかもしれない。それと同時に、彼女はひとりよがりでも神聖ぶってもいないけれど、彼女はひょっとしたらカソリックの教育から使命への熱意を知ったおかげだろうか。スラムに行くと、彼女はただ人の役に立つというだけでなく、計り知れない裕福さのしるしのせいか、神々しい存在なのだ。われわれはアフリカを、まだ記憶に新しい恐怖事件(ルワンダダルフールコンゴ)や絶え間ない異常(飢餓、紛争、病気)のせいで、解決不能で救いのないところと見てしまう。だがメリンダ・ゲイツはこれを変えるだけの力を神によって与えられたのだ。それはどんな感じのものですか? 「とてもすばらしい感じのものです。でも、ときにはあまりにも責任が重いものです。わたしは世界に、何かのかたちでよい場所をつくりたいのです。こうしてなにかの役に立てるのは、きっと、自分は特別なところに置かれているんだなと思います」

But unlike the Carnegies and Tates, whose philanthropy seemed, in part, a means of assuring their own immortality, the Gateses are not fixated by posterity. Certainly, many buildings will remain, bearing their name across the globe, but their foundation will not last in perpetuity. Their funds will be spent within 50 years of their deaths. And when Warren Buffett dies, he has instructed the foundation to spend his entire wealth within a decade.


Whether this is remarkably ego-less or a matter of those who earned the cash having the fun of spending it, Melinda Gates insists, “Our resources are for this century’s problems. I’m worried if today someone is getting antiretroviral treatment. Or whether today somebody is able to access a condom. Today whether they know their HIV status. I can’t predict what problems will come along in the next century. And if we leave some money to deal with them, who are the right people to oversee that?” The next generation, dealing with the next generation of problems, will have to hope for their own Bills and Melindas, perhaps as yet unborn.


Inspi(RED) ideas for the world


The statistics say it all: 33 million people worldwide currently live with HIV and Aids; 4,100 people die of Aids-related conditions every day. And that number is growing. Yet Aids is a preventable and treatable disease. It costs just 20p to fund the two daily antiretroviral pills needed to keep alive someone with HIV, but 70 per cent of people in sub-Saharan Africa live on less than £1 a day and cannot afford them.


That’s where (RED) comes in. (RED)’s primary objective is to engage the private sector in raising awareness and funds to help eliminate Aids in Africa (www.joinred.com). Companies whose products take on the (RED) mark contribute a significant percentage of the profits from the sales of those products to the Global Fund, the world’s leading provider of programmes to fight Aids, with a focus on the health of women and children. The fund also supports counselling, testing and education activities based on agreed performance targets, and disburses money in response to proven results.


Since 2006, more than $112 million has been generated by (RED), benefiting 2.5 million people. (RED) has already helped provide more than 93,000 people in Africa with life-saving antiretroviral drugs. If enough consumers buy (RED) products, those with Aids will stay alive longer and be able to take care of their families, contribute to their communities and live a fuller life.


Buying (RED) products saves lives: it’s as simple as that.

プロダクト(RED)製品を買うことは、命を救う: それだけのシンプルなことだ。
(part 3 of 3)